Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What My 30's Brought Me

Today is my 40th Birthday!!! I am not sad, worried or having a mid-life crisis. I love the life I have and I pray that my 40's are as good to me as my 30's were.


I turned 30 on 12/30/98. What an amazing 10 years it has been. Of course we all know life gives us both ups and downs but I do my best to not dwell on the downs because without them I might not be the person I am today so I prefer to call them life lessons.

Here are some of the high & low lights of the past decade of my life.....

Joe and I bought our first "house" - we closed on it on 1/7/99. 10 years later it is our "home" and already full of so many great memories.

Danielle was born on 10/21/99 and Joseph on 4/7/02.

Five of my Twelve nieces and nephews were born over the past ten years.

Colleen and Amber lived with Joe and I and we were there with them for first steps, words etc.... They moved out on their own and then onto NY and broke my heart - obviously the story has a happy ending as the came back to Charlotte a few years later and Baby Alex was born.

Steve, Regina and the girls move right around the corner from us!!! Talk about a major GREATNESS.

Mine & Joe's entire immediate family now live in Charlotte or Matthews.

I bought my first ever brand new car.

My relationship with Tom (my BFF since I was 12) has grown even stronger, him and Joe get along GREAT and he married Lisa - a wonderful girl and our kids are growing up together.

I got a job that I truly enjoy and have been at for 10 years. I could not have asked for a better boss.

The same job brought Tina into my life. There were many things I would not have made it through without her sitting next too me and holding me up. Plus I would never have laughed this much at work.

My friend Lori and I shared our first pregnancies. It was so nice to have someone going through all the same stuff at pretty much the same time.

I have met amazing people here in Charlotte who fill my life with love and happiness and who I know with all I my heart would do anything for me, Joe, the kids or my mom.

Joe's job at Verizon brought us Daryl and Andre and their boys. They are truly an extension of Joe and I and they are 2 people we can't live without. We have laughed together, cried together and laughed somemore.

God spared my brother-in-law Jimmie after a near fatal car accident. It was a long road but he is here with us and as good as ever.

Some of the people who I love the most in this world lost one or both of their parents and my heart broke with and for them - having been through it I did my best to support them.

I lost my grandmother who most people know meant the world to me. I do remain grateful that I had her for 38 awesome years.

My mother moved in with us - and frankly I could never, ever say enough about her and what she does for us and the kids.

I lost the man (Tom's Dad) who sent me my first dozen roses when I turned 16 and then again when I turned 21. I know if he was still here today my door bell would ring and a dozen white roses would be waiting for me.

I have witnessed God move those closest to me, closer to Him. I have seen 3 people who I hold so dearly give their life to Christ and reaffirm that through baptism. I have seen God in my children daily.

I have seen my sister not give up on finding happiness, she didn't settle, sell-out or give up. I give many thanks to the people who love her and stood by her and held her up and I give thanks and praise to Elevation Church and the people she has met there as well. She has come full circle and realized in her heart she deserves happiness and inner peace and now she has found it.

Joe and I have grown closer and stronger in our relationship.

I have reconnected with several family members through Facebook and it feels great.

Most importantly - I have learned that the material things Joe and I have are not what makes our life so amazing - what makes it amazing are the people in our lives. If I wake up at 40 with nothing - I will still be one of the luckiest, most blessed girls because of the riches my family and friends shower us with.

Stay tuned for what I hope my 40's will bring me......

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What Would You Give Baby Jesus

While working with our 3rd graders last night, my sister-in-law Regina and I read the story of The Birth of Jesus. After the story we asked the kids "If Jesus was born today, what gift would you bring Him?"

Some of the responses:

A blanket to wrap Him in the keep Him warm

Some wanted to give Him their little brother or sister!!!

But my absolute favorite response - and this was our first response of the night:

I would bring/make Him a tag/sign that said


What a great response!!! I wrote it on the board so we would all think about it.

So tell me, what gift would you bring Baby Jesus if He were born today???

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Elevators Spreading The Word

My daughter Danielle was in a Christmas Program at her school (Highland Creek Elementary) last night. Part of the program was each 4th grade class performing on stage. In one of the classes a girl had on a E-Kidz Shirt, so in the middle of their performance Little Joe (not very quietly) says "MOM - that girl has an e-kidz shirt on!!!" So I say, yes she does. And the performance goes on. There were several hundred people in the auditorium and we were all leaving together - on our way out we saw the girl again and Danielle and Joseph were so excited and pointing at her, her mom noticed this at the same time we noticed her mom was wearing an Elevation shirt.

She was very happy and excited when we told her Colleen is also an Elevator and before we could tell her we have visited Elevation many times she was inviting us to attend service. I can not express in words how excited and proud she was to be a member of such an awesome Church.

This is a pattern for sure - anyone I have ever met that attends Elevation is never just oh I attend - it is always I attend the best Church EVER!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Know Your Limitations

I volunteered to watch my nephews Noah (3 1/2) and Logan (2) for a few hours. I figured how bad could it be, it would be just the three of us - so we would get great quality time together.

The expression "God never gives you more than you can handle" was on my mind today. I realized that He certainly knew that a day like today more than once in my life would have been too much.

Here is how it went:

Up and getting breakfast at 7 (no problem I am an early person)

Me trying to check some work e-mail - Logan, Logan, Logan where are you....
I found him in the master bathroom trying to turn the water on in the tub.

Noah needed me to turn a game on for him - so we go to the TV that the kids play games on - which is always set for the game. Guess what, someone decided to watch TV in that room. I will sit here embarassed to admit I am remote control challenged - but only in my own home - Joe has all kinds of set ups and I have no patience for it at all. So I say to Noah ok lets get the remote - I now have three in my hand and I am trying to figure it out - Logan is sitting next to us and I hear him say "Dare you go" and the input changed - he had the remote we needed in his hand.

Me trying to get them in the car so we can go to Concord Mills so I can let them play on the little playground in the Mall - HONESTLY my only purpose for going as I am trying to stay out of the stores. Logan, Logan, Logan where are you....
I found him sitting on the chair in my office banging away on the computer keyboard. He looked up and said "I workin".

We get to the mall and since we are there for one reason I carry Logan in and hold Noah's hand as we walk in. We get to the playground I take off their coats and they are off and running. It is a small playground so one way in and out. I am standing right there - and I mean right there. Here comes Logan off the slide and bam he is off and running right out of the playground and into the Maidenform Store directly across. I am running and hoping the nice lady that is there with her son will keep one eye on Noah who is still playing.

This happens about 3-4 more times - I honestly lost count - and I promise you all that you have never, ever seen a 2 year old this fast. So I say ok time to go home and have some lunch. We bundle up and we start walking out - I am getting my keys - oh wait, no I am not because I can't find them. Back to the playground and we look around - NO KEYS. So I walk out to see if I can see them in the car, all the while looking at the ground to see if I dropped them. NO LUCK

So I call Joe - I lost the keys, WHAT, I lost the keys, your kidding, no I'm not - I am frazzled and I can't find the keys. Ok check customer service and call me.

Of course we were parked as far away from customer service as possible so not I have to carry Logan the length of the mall and hold Noah's hand. In just getting back into the mall I was exhausted. As we came in I saw and empty TJ Maxx Shopping Cart -and YES I put those 2 kids in the shopping cart and pushed them all the way through the mall.

No keys at Customer Service. Call Joe - he is on his way. Now walk all the way back to the van. Waiting outside of the van - kids still in the shopping cart and Joe comes. He unlocks the van but still no keys. Then he looks at me and says - and I quote "what are you doing?" "you are the ghetto queen of the mall with 2 kids in a shopping cart" - I was like, what? I am exhausted and I couldn't carry him all around - this seemed like a good idea.

We go back in the mall and look at the playground again. No keys so now I just want to get home to feed them. So Joe gives me his key to the van and we get in and I start the car. From the back seat I hear Logan say "Oh found the keys..." and no he didn't mean he found mine - he meant oh good for you - you found the keys. So I say no babe these are Uncle Joe's. This whole time we are 100% confident that Logan must have picked up the keys at the play area - Noah said he did and Logan said he put them on the table. So we looked on every flat surface in the play area - nothing.

I get home, make them some chicken nuggets and mac n cheese. We have lunch. I call Colleen and give her the whole story - without even telling her what Joe said about the shopping cart she says "No you did not put those 2 babies in a shopping cart and walk the mall" - so I am hysterical at this point because she just keeps going and going about it. I look over at Logan and he is taking the cover off of his cup - only water, but still - and he turns it over and poors it into his empty bowl and exclaims "TA DA". So I throw some papertowel on the floor and just leave it there. I figure at this point what does it matter.

My mom is pounding on the garage door to get into the house at about 1:30 - I have no idea how it got locked. So I run and open the door - and as soon as I do she just looks at me and starts hysterical laughing. She did know what happened but it must have been my appearance that tickled her so. I looked at the boys and said -"get your coats, Nana is here..." She was taking them home. Again she laughs. Then she looks around my TORN UP house and says - what the heck happened....n I said "I am afraid to take my eyes off of Logan for one minute, so this is all the results of that."

They left, and they were crying, they did not want to leave me. I was touched - but I still helped them get in the car quickly.

It felt so good to sign on my computer and work!!!

Colleen, Kristy, Tina and my other closest friends know that I am a TYPE A personality and in 39 years and 11 months I have not lost keys, my purse or my wallet. So this has set me back for sure.

I left my number with mall security so keep good thoughts that I get these keys back - the one for my van costs $75 to replace and I really don't want to go that route.

And here they are - the two responsible for all of this:

The Johnsons

My sister Pattie has 5 kids, they range in age from 13 - 2 years old. They are, Devin, Isaiah, Mackenzie, Noah and Logan. However for our family, the are affectionatly known as "The Johnsons" - seems easier than Aunt Pattie, Uncle Dan, Devin, Isaiah, Mackenzie, Noah and Logan, doesn't it???

They fill a house, raise the volume, empty the fridge and pantry - HOWEVER - they also fill it with love, laughter and great times!!!

They were at my house yesterday and here are some pictures of them that are potential Christmas Cards......

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cold Night of Fun

On Friday night our neighborhood had its first ever Holiday Gathering. The neighborhood is 10 - 12 years old, but very small (68 houses) so therefore no clubhouse.

Our new social committee decided to take a chance and have the gathering on one of our cul-de-sacs. They had a big outdoor fireplace in the middle of the street to provide warmth and they cooked hamburgers, hotdogs, smores - there was hot cocoa, soda and each family that came brought a dessert. It was a great way to spend time with our neighbors.

I invited Amber and Alex (because Robert had big plans for http://colleencorbett.blogspot.com/2008/12/were-getting-married.html) and my niece Mackenzie. You already know my mom lives with us, so here are some pictures of the kids after Nana made sure they were all bundled up!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas List - From Stephanie's Blog

Stephanie had these questions with her answers on her blog - now these are my answers:

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both. I try to use one style of wrapping paper for each family we give gifts too.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real growing up - artificial now.
3. When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving Weekend
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually on New Years Day or the following weekend.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes
6. Favorite gift received as a child? A Diamond Name Plate from my father. (we lived in NY so don't chuckle - it was a big deal up there)
7. Hardest person to buy for? My husband's Uncle Matt
8. Easiest person to buy for? Little Joe
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes - Precious Moments - I would love to get the Willow Tree People one.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't recall anything being that bad.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone - it brings me great memories of my grandfather cracking up at all of the pranks.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Let's see I have 12 nieces and nephews and my own 2 kids - so there are time I start shopping the day after Christmas!!!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My grandmother's sugar cookies.
16. Lights on the tree? The more lights the better! White or Colored - depending on the decorations.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Christmas Eve in Sarajevo (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home for the Holidays now tht everyone is here in Charlotte with us.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Probably
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? One Star, One Mickey Mouse and One Santa.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Eve as a child. Now it is Christmas Eve with family and Christmas morning with the kids.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? When people don't realize traffic will be heavier, lines will be longer etc... and they freak out about it.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Disney Characters.
24. Favorite thing for Christmas dinner? Our big meal is on Christmas Eve - Italian Food - I love it all.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Joe and I have decided no gifts this year. We took a nice trip for our birthday's so......

Now it's your turn. Go ahead and fill out your own answers and post on your blog!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

My dad gave this Santa to my mom many years ago. After he passed away it brought great memories to all of us when we take it out each year and think of him.

In our house we call this the Corbett (my maiden name) Family Tree. My mom lives with us and this tree is every ornament that me, Colleen, Danny & Pattie have ever made as well as ornaments that each of her 9 grandchildren have made for her.

Joe and I are HUGE Disney people and so are our kids - this is our Disney Tree. Each ornament is some kind of a Disney Ornament. Joe and I started collecting them before we even had children.

Our Mantle. I LOVE IT - for some reason this year it just looks so awesome to me. I think it is because Joe recently put a wood floor in the family room. I could sit and look at it all night. Notice the Disney stuff....

This is the tree that Joe and I bought the Christmas before we got married - so just about 15 years ago. We got up early on the 26th and met at the store to get the best deal. The decorations are different this year - but the tree was prestrung when we bought it - different than prelit in that we can take strands off if we want too - but I have to say we really have only had 2 strands go out that we needed to replace.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoy getting the house all decorated!!!

Giving Thanks - Part 2

I have been thinking for days about who to thank or what I am thankful for. Here is what I have come up with:

I have to be one of the most blessed girls in the world - I have so, so many people in my life that I am thankful for - that I couldn't narrow it down to just one or two for this blog. I feel so lucky to be able to say that, I truly do. God has placed such wonderful people on my path of life.

I feel like thanking just one or two of them would be slighting the others and that is not what I want to do because every one of them are a strong link in my "circle of life".

So to all of my friends and family I say this - My life would not be complete without all of you and I appreciate all of the love and support I get from everyone of you, all year long. Thank you for blessing my life with your presence!!!

Giving Thanks

I first want to say I had an AWESOME Thanksgiving!!! If you had asked me leading up to the Holiday I would have told you I was stressed about having it at my house just after my surgery or that I wished me, Joe and the kids were just spending the day alone eating Chinese Food!!! Again, because of my surgery. Those that know me, know that I can not just do something - it is not in me - I want it to be special, I want my guests to know how much I love having them etc....

This year was different, I honestly did the best I could and then hoped everyone would be understanding. Before out bell rang with the first guest I said to Joe - I am going to have a good day - it may not be all I wanted to do, but I did what I could and I am going to enjoy myself. Then the bell rang - it was my brother - arms full of stuff!!! He was supposed to be taking care of dessert - but like me, my brother loves to cook and wants to introduce people to new and interesting foods. So outside of enough dessert to feed an Army he brought appetizers and some seafood -he whipped up homemade brushetta and a tray of individual fresh mozzarella and tomato appetizers. As dinner was just about to be served he fired up our grill and cooked up some coconut curry shrimp and sea scallops wrapped in bacon that I promise you were the size of half dollars!!! When he came in from doing that he pan seared some Tuna that was encrusted in pecans, sesame seeds and poppy seeds - he did have a special sauce that he seared it in (that he made) but not being a seafood eater I can not tell you what it was.

My sister Colleen and Robert and Robert's Family came arms full as well. Deviled Eggs, Spinach Dip and two different types of sweet and sour meatballs.

All of this before the main meal!!! We are Italian....

This was the first time we all met Robert't Parents and they are really nice people. We sat and talked around the table and everyone blended so well. It was a nice, relaxing day.

At the dinner table we had each of the kids say something they were thankful for and as you can imagine - it was very cute.

So outside of all the food that everyone brought - I want to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the help. They made sure I didn't do too much, they went out of their way to help me and help our family have a nice holiday - and in doing so we all got to spend good, quality time together.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mom, Danielle and Joseph Give Thanks.....

I have been home for about a week now recovering from my surgery. Things went well, but I really need to take it easy and let my body heal. We have a very busy life - between work, kids activities and the huge/awesome family we have here in Charlotte we are usually on the go. The surgery has forced us to be still at home and spend lots and lots of quality time - just the 4 of us. Dad just left for work but we are hoping he gets out early.

Each night we have been talking about things we are thankful for - to go along with Pastor Steven's request that you express your thanks, here we go:

JOSEPH - Having a house to live in, clothing and family and friends.

DANIELLE - I don't have an illness (we give to Children's Miracle Network monthly so Danielle is very aware of how other children suffer from illness), for God, Church and Religion and that my parents can still afford to pay for me to go to dance during these times.

MOM - I am most thankful that both of my children walk with God. They have kindness in their hearts that shines through to all those who meet them. And that they love each other as much as me and my brother did as kids and still do!!!

I will be giving more thanks later..... Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer Request

I am having surgery on my ear tomorrow. I have been having chronic infections that have now caused some hearing loss and bone deterioration as well as damage to my middle ear and ear drum.

Honestly the complications are not terrible and the biggest ones have less than a 1% chance of happening, but the surgery will take 2 1/2 - 3 hours and I my biggest concern is being under for that long.

Say a prayer for me tomorrow that all goes well - and as soon as I feel up to it I will let you know how I am doing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Is service still PG-13???

I hope I am not all over the place with this post - I will try to give you background before I get to the "story".

My husband and I were both raised Catholic and we are members of St. Mark's Church in Huntersville. My sister Colleen now attends Elevation Church in South Charlotte. Me, Joe and the kids love attending services at Elevation. Being Catholic we did not have Sunday School or E-Kidz we just attended services with our parents so that is what our kids are used to doing. Danielle and Joseph love to hear Pastor Steven speak - and I promise you at 6 years old Joseph can give you the "message" of the sermon he hears from Pastor Steven.

All of that to say we attended as much of the Visionary Love, Dream Sex series as we could - I felt it was such an important topic and with out meaning any disrespect one that Pastor Steven could relate to more than the Priest at our Church. So during that time Danielle and Joseph went to E-Kidz. Joseph really would much rather remain in his comfort zone but after his first E-Kidz experience he love it and couldn't wait to get back.

Fast Forward to this weekend. We have my sister Colleen's kids for the weekend so on Thursday night I said to Joseph "Do you want to go to E-Kidz on Sunday when we bring Aunt Colleen's kids home?"

Here is how it went from there:

Joseph: Fist pumping action (think Tiger Woods) Yes, I am going

Me: Great

Joseph: Well actually mom I would really love to come to service

Me: Ok I think that would be fine

Joseph: So mom do they do the PG-13 service just once a year so I can come to service every time now

Me: Well Joe it actually depends on the what they are talking about - then they decide if it should be PG-13

Joseph: Oh like if they are going to say cuss words

Me & Big Joe: Well no they don't really say cuss words in Church Joe

Me: (trying to educate him) Well actually the only "bad word" you might hear in Church is Hell

Joseph: Oh yeah right - well sometimes when you pray you say the word H E L L (he spelt it out)

Me: (to freak my husband out) Oh really like "God please don't make me do anything that will cause me to go to Hell"

Big Joe: MARIE

Joseph: Well not exactly but in other prayers

Big Joe: (very seriously) NO you don't use that word when you pray

Joseph: (Just as serious) Ugh Hello "The HELL MARY"

Needless to say I fell out - hysterical. He was sitting on Big Joe's lap while this whole conversation was going on and I thought he was going to drop him because we were so tickled.

So then Big Joe reviewed it is Hail not Hell. And again to laugh as grown-ups Big Joe says to me - That's my son, on the football field saying "Throw the Hell Mary".

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let's Unite

The election is over and Barack Obama will be our next President. Whether you voted for him or not, the majority of our country did and whether you agree with all his views or not, he is our President. He deserves everyone's respect as John McCain would have, had he won.

Moving on............

As a nation we have made history with this election. It gives me great joy that my young children (9&6) see an African-American as President. Growing up I never, ever looked at people based on the color of their skin, our parents would not have that. Their friends were of every race and that is all me and my siblings have ever known. Thankfully my husband is the same way, but then again I guess I wouldn't have picked him if he wasn't!!! When Joe and I have a gathering at our house with all of our friends it is like a meeting of the United Nations, so that is all our kids know and they also never see color as an issue. I was very sad when my daughter came home from school one day and said to me "Mom, do you know there are people who will not vote for Barack Obama because he is African-American?" so I thought it was part of her history lesson that day - imagine my shock and dismay when she told me she had heard that from another kid at school. At that moment I sat both of my kids down and told them anyone could be President, white, black, spanish, chinese..... And I also told them we are all free to have our opinions and to vote for who we want, but I did use this comment as a way to teach them that as they move forward in life they will see that all people do not have the same views and they need to listen to what others say and pick and chose wisely who the chose to spend time with.

Wouldn't it be great if none of us saw color. Let's work on that and teach our children so their generation will be better at it and they will teach their children and they will be even better at it.... and so on.

UNITE - my word of the day!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rock The Vote......

I am encouraging everyone who reads this to get out and vote today!!! And if you have already voted - kudos to you.

I respect everyone's right to vote for "their candidate" so therefore I will not get into all the issue's here but I will ask that you all vote based on who you think the best candidate for the positions are. PLEASE do not vote based on Race, Gender, Age or Religious Affiliation.

As I stood in line this morning I prayed 3 seperate times while waiting that God would help everyone cast their votes for the right reasons and that our new President would be able to guide our Country in the direction needed to get us back on course.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

I loved that Halloween was on a Friday this year!!! There were no "hurry up we have to do homework" or "no you can't play with your friends we have school/work tomorrow" so I decided to invite some of our friends and their kids over to eat pizza and all trick-or-treat together. Then we came back to the house for hot chocolate, cupcakes and cookies. There was about 10 kids, their parents, grandparents and a few Uncles with no kids that just wanted to see all the costumes. It was a GREAT night and I am so glad everyone came.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Just for you Colly

My briefs match my APPLE!!!

No so scary Lion

Beautiful Mad Hatter

HAPPY HALLOWEEN MOMMY - we love you and we miss you too!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21, 1999

Here she is, my beautiful little girl. Nine years ago today her father and I welcomed her into the world with open arms and hearts filled with love. I remember each detail like it was just yesterday. I could not wait to hold her for the first time.

The circumstances of her delivery led to me being completely put out and having a c-section so I didn't get to hold her right away. I remember the nurse waking me up and telling me I had a girl - we didn't know what the sex of the baby was. For some reason we felt like it was going to be a boy, so in my dazed and confused state of waking up from the anestesia I called the nurse back over and said - "excuse me, did you say I had a girl???" And she said yes. I was hurrying them along to get me to her at this point but she was in the NICU so there were lots of procedures to follow - I remember thinking alright already but I am a first time mother, PLEASE let me see my baby. They brought me a polaroid of her on the scale!!! She was 8 lbs 15 ozs and 21 inches long.

I have a picture of when I finally got to hold her for the first time, I was still "green" from the surgery, swollen and basically just busted. I was in labor for over 30 hour before the surgery and still hadn't showered. HOWEVER, to me it is the most beautiful photograph ever taken. I tear up everytime I look at it.

Danielle was a perfect baby. People used to tell Joe and I all the time how easy we had it with her and how lucky we were. We knew it, but it was funny to hear it. She always had a pleasant disposition, ate & slept well and was just a joy to be around.

Fast forward 9 years - she is still an AWESOME kid. She is a good student, loving big sister, loyal friend and her true beauty is in her heart. She treats everyone equally and never, ever speaks harshly to anyone. God has touched her at such a young age and it truly makes me proud.

Her name suits her. We named her after my father (Daniel) and he had a heart of gold as well. I am so sorry she missed out on knowing him, but she does know the significance of her name.

Danielle Nicole Marsicano - HAPPY BIRTHDAY my love - my life would never be as good as it is today if I hadn't had you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Picking

Yesterday we went pumpkin picking with several of our family members. This has been a tradition for many years. Here are a few pictures from the day....

Brianna, Danielle and Kayla

He really is too cute to be scary

I can almost reach the pedals Re-Re

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

But mom.... She's a good kid....

That is the quote from my son Joseph this morning. He was talking about his sister Danielle.

Here is how it all started:

My lovely Danielle is what we would all call a fashionista - and her Aunt's will back me up on that one. Anyway this morning we were on our third shirt and not for the first time since the season has changed.... I am not sure what it is about the change of season but we always seem to have issues with the wardrobe. Did I say she is 8 years old and we have been doing this since preschool??? To be fair the first shirt was long sleeves and I told her she could end up being too warm since it should hit 85 today. The next shirt was a shirt SHE JUST PICKED OUT - she put it on - looked in the mirror and changed into the layered tank top look. She looked fine - but I must admit when she took off the brand new shirt I was not happy. I started the lecture about how I do without so they can have and I am taking the shirt back and so on.... Yes my voice was raised - but not like I had vein's popping in my neck or face.

Anyway this is where Joseph chimes in - picture him and Danielle sitting at the table eating cereal while I am lecturing..... He looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes (that do look like they have tears in them) and says "But mom, come on, Sis is such a good kid...." so I say I understand that Joe but I can't deal with the clothes issues and he says again "but mom, she is a good kid, go easy on her..."

How do I argue with that? She is a good kid - and this is our biggest problem with her - but I am running out of steam on this. So I said "you are right Joseph so this is what we will do" and I turned to Danielle and let her know from this point forward if she doesn't wear all of the stuff in her closet - or if she has a morning melt down about her clothes she won't go to dance that week - again those that know her will understand for her that would be the worst punishment in the world.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So True.....

I just read this in a column on-line - READ IT and let it soak in - we never know how much time we have - don't let it get away from you and then have regret.....

"I love you" is the sweetest music a person can hear. Bouquets of flowers smell the sweetest when they are in the hands of the recipient, not stacked by her (or his) casket. And praise is most appreciated when it can be heard by the person who has earned it, not when it's recited in a eulogy after he or she has passed. So speak up now, before it truly is too late.

Middle Names

Most of us have and have given our children middle names. And I think we all know that when our parents had to call out both our first and middle names - we were in trouble. As a parent of two and Aunt of 12 I will break out the first and middle name for any one of the kids. Some I have said more than others and some for different reasons......

Christina Mari - my oldest niece, a beautiful, quiet, respectful, well rounded girl. When I use her middle name it is because she is teasing/playing around with my son or husband - and because of her respectful nature she sometimes catches me off guard - but in a good way.

Amber Michelle - the oldest girl on my side of the family, she is wide open and loves to "haggle" her point so many a times I have used that middle name. But I must say - less now that she is getting older.

Isaiah Daniel - my nephew who is a great kid and student but who uses his brain so much in school it sometimes gets tired on the weekend...

Noah Matthew - my 3 year old nephew who can't hear (choses not too) a word any adult is saying to him!!! He is wide open and very focused on what he wants - he is adorable but I use his middle names at times because I think he just wants to make sure he is the Noah I am talking too.

That is just 4 of my 12 BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME and LOVING nieces and nephews - but they all have names that suit their personalities and that I love to say.

Now for the exception to the rule - my DARLING Brianna. Brianna just turned 9 and I realized the other day that she is absolutely the one kid in my family that I have never, ever had to call by both first and middle name. She is sweet, polite, loving and just an all around good kid. Now her parents may have a different perspective but anyone who knows Bri call her "My Brianna". My sister Colleen, my mother, our friend Daryl, Daryl's sister Dawn - and on and on.

I actually had to confirm with my sister-in-law Regina that I had her middle name right!!! When I told my husband the story - he said "I had no idea that was her middle name....."

So here she is - my sweet Brianna Alexis - let's hope she holds onto the "Not needing to be called by my middle name" title......

Between "Joseph Ryan" and "Danielle Nicole" - both have heard their middle names called out!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Things you can't part with

We all have things we can't part with. No matter how many times we are cleaning out and donating a few things just stay with us even if we only see them when we are cleaning out and donating.

My latest thing I can't part with......

We were cleaning out our storage area in our bonus room and donating lots of stuff to the Kidney Foundation. I came across a bag that had some table cloths, outdoor dishes, curtains and placemats. Joe was ready to bring the bag down stairs to add to the donate pile when they caught my eye......

When we moved into our house almost 10 years ago I found some curtains in Target that were "good enough" to hang in our kitchen until we could get "really nice" one's. Well they only had the long 84 inch curtains and we have a window above our sink in addition to the window in the eating area. So I bought 4 panels just knowing that my grandmother - Nanny Connie - would be able to cut the curtains and make them the right length. And I was right - she made them the perfect length. Now for the reason I can not part with the curtains - not because she cut them down -but because she made us 6 placemats with the "extra" material!!! My grandmother never wasted anything - and she always wanted to keep busy. She did this at the age of 82!!! And they were perfect - and she didn't take the easy way out and make them rectangle in shape - they are oval!!! So I folded the curtains and placemats and put them back in a nice box to keep in storage.

I may never use them again - but I will never part with them. To me they are a part of my grandmother and I want to hold onto as much of her as I can.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Simply The Best

My Dad - Daniel Corbett - would have been 65 years old today!!! Unfortunately we lost him to lung cancer on April 8, 1992. Just over 16 years ago - WOW - sometimes it seems like yesterday to me.

Yes he was my dad but I have many friends who would agree with me 100% when I say he was the best dad ever!!! The older I get the more I realize what an influence he had on my life and I also realize how important a dad's role in his daughters life is.

I will give a few examples of my favorite memories/life lessons.....

When I was in College my dad cut out a quote from one of his business magazines, wrote my name on it and gave it to me. I still have the piece of paper - and I love being able to look at the way he wrote my name - it says - "Goal setting unleashes one of the greatest powers in the universe. If you aim at nothing, that is what you will hit; if you reach for the stars, certainly your feet will get off the ground!"

I had a terrible schedule one semester in College - a class at 7am and then not another until 3:50pm so to make ends meet and pay for my car I would work in between - I guess I was looking tired or something because my dad sat me down and told me - "Me and your mother will help pay for the car this semester but you are only allowed to work on Friday (I had no classes on Friday's) & Saturday - I can't be worried all day about you driving back and forth". So for that semester he did help with the car - all to make sure his daughter was safe and focusing on her education.

I had a bad breakup with a boyfriend after my freshman year of College - he (my boyfriend) was sick and getting radiation, I would go almost everyday with him after my classes to Manhattan for his treatments - in doing this I failed 2 classes that semester and lost my scholarship and we broke up all at the same time. Never once did my father say to me that I was now going to cost him and my mom more money - never, his focus again was on my well being and education - he just wanted to make sure I stayed in school.

The following semester I came to him and said Dad I don't think that accounting is for me - it is too hard and I am struggling I think I am going to change my major to Management or Marketing. He told me - I will give you one year to take your required classes and other business classes - then you can decide what you want your major to be. If you do not pick a specific profession me and your mother are not going to contine to pay for college - you can go get a job at the mall if you want to learn to be a manager. That might sound harsh - but he knew all I had just been through and what I was capable of. Guess what??? He was right and I got my accounting degree and currently have an awesome job that I love and suits my family life perfectly!!!

Those are all College related stories - but some of the most important things that shaped my life.....

Here are some from throughout my life:

There is a page in my "baby book" that my dad wrote on as soon as I was born - a personal message. It talks about him naming me after his mother and his hopes that him and my mom are good parents and can give me a good life - I can not see though my tears right now as I wish I could tell him today he gave me a PERFECT life - it was all a girl could ask for - mostly because he gave me the most important gift - HIS TIME. Joe and I named our daughter after him (Danielle) and I have the same hopes for her that he did for me.

I have 3 siblings and if there were ever times the 4 of us would be out of the house too much - I mean in our teenage years - he would say "Whatever you have going on this Sunday - cancel it - we are having family day" - and we would spend the whole day together.

My family lived in Miami, Florida for one year - when they decided to move back to NY I rode in the U-Haul with my dad (I was 5 years old) and I can still see clear as day his red/black/white plaid jacket and in the pocket he kept Cheese Nips for me for the ride.

The first time I ever came home drunk (NO I was not driving) he said to me - what time did you get home last night - I could never lie so I said to be honest I don't know - he said Ok you see how you feel right now - that will be your punishment THIS TIME if it happens again you will be grounded for months. I swear to you I didn't drink again for about 3 years!!!

Joe was never allowed upstairs in our house because there was only bedrooms up there - well unless my mom needed something out of the attic and he didn't want to go up in there.

He told me - don't wear skimpy clothes - dress the way you normally would. When guys are talking to the other girls in the skimpy clothes that is the reason they are talking to them - you will know when they are talking to you it is because of who you are and not because of what you are wearing.

He didn't believe in us having TV's in our bedrooms - it would make us too scattered. We had on television in our house and it was in the "family room" so we were all together watching TV.

He stopped all phone calls from our 5-7pm because that was dinner time and he didn't want it interupted. We ate dinner every night as a family.

When we were older and my parents were doing better financially he went out each year at Christmas time and picked the 4 of us out a special gift just from him.

He loved to spoil my mother!!! For special occasions he would buy her something nice and hide it - in the fridge for example - then ask her to get him something from there so she would find it.

All of my friends LOVED to be at our house - my parents were warm, welcoming and a lot of fun to be around. My dad loved having them because it meant he knew where we were at all times and that we were all safe.

My sister-in-law Regina had just given birth to my beautiful niece Christina and she wanted to bring her to see my dad. Again he was in the bed at our house at this point. So she dressed her up and brought her over (keep in mind my dad was Catholic) Regina brought the baby in the room and was talking to him and my dad held her briefly and then he looked at Regina and said "I really appreciate you bringing her to see me - but now take her home and don't bring her out until her Christening!!!" We all laughed.

His love for my friend Suzanne was unique. She came to live with us during College and I am not sure if she really knew what she was in for. She had to have all the same rules we did. One semester it seemed like she might not make enrollment - well my dad made sure she did. He told her more than once - "Go change that outfit, you are not walking out of this house in that!!!" Now mind you it non of the outfits were bad - just not conservative enough for him. Sue worked for him in the 7-11 too and he expected as much from her as he did from me, Danny, Pattie and Colleen.
I remember one night - we were probably 22 years old - Suzanne and I told my dad "We are going up the the 10th Inning (it was a local pub)he said Oh no your not - I have been there and you two are not going there. I never stepped foot in there even after he passed.

I remember when Suzanne was getting married and we were talking about the wedding etc... and she was so, so sad that my dad was not going to be there to see her. Neither one of us got to have him at our weddings - but he was certainly in our hearts at both.

While he was sick and at home - he was paralyzed from the waist down from surgery to remove a tumor - I said to him - Dad you have to work harder at physical therapy so you can get up and be ready to walk me down the aisle when I get married - he said to me "When are you finally going to marry Joe?" I knew right then that he was happy with mine and Joe's relationship and that he would be happy and content with us being married.

Again while he was in the bed - I was 23 years old at this point - I said to him "Dad, Joe and I are going to see the Vikings play the Patriots this weekend but it is a 1:00 game so we will have to leave the day before and stay over night" Oh boy did I know I was going out on a limb with that - his response - "Well I guess you are going because what I am going to do - jump up out of this bed and chase you???" If you knew him personally you would know that was his humor - and at the same time him saying (reluctantly) ok.

On New Year's Eve - for my whole life - even in my 20's and college years I had to be with my parents at 12:00. I clearly remember Tom and I being at a party across the street from Tom's house where our parents were and I had to hurry up and run across the street to be at the DellaRatta's at midnight.

There are so, so many more stories to tell - I could write a book!!!

My dear Regina and Suzanne have already e-mailed me today with their love and support - I find it appropriate to share some quotes from them so you all will see I am really not as biased as I may seem:

From Regina - It is obvious to everyone around you even people that did not know your Dad what a positive impact he has had on your life. That is what you need to think about today. Your Dad had such an impact on every person that he met. His life on earth was not long enough for any of us. But the legacy, values and love that he left everyone with is eternal.

Suzanne - How is your mood today. Sad, okay, what?
I can see his smile and remember his good spirit as if it was yesterday we were all together. Remember him standing on top of us at the 7-11 getting ready for lunch. We had to have all the hotdog buns ready to serve and whatever else.
If only we could go to just one more labor day party of his. Speaking of parties. I remember how your parents had new years eve parties. They were so sweet to have a birthday cake for me one year. I remember I was 14. I had tears in my eyes and I remember Tom Della Ratta asking me why I was crying..
I could get lost in the past all day today.

So I close with this - I am an extremely lucky and blessed girl to have had Daniel Corbett as my father. I will cherish these memories and many more for the rest of my life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Did he just say that??????

Saturday night we were baby sitting for our good friends. Their adorable son is 5 months old. It has been a long time since we have had a baby in our house - my son is 6 years old and our youngest nephew is 2.

So Little Mr. Calloway was fussy/crying - I was holding him and walking with him. Apparently I was not comforting him quick enough for my son Joseph. He came walking into the kitchen - where I was walking him - and said to me:

MOM - you had 2 babies don't you know what to do???

Needless to say I cracked up - oh and Calloway calmed down and took a nice nap on top of me while I was sitting in our recliner.

It runs in the family.......

So yesterday my family was at our house for dinner. I went with Mexican as it is a good crowd favorite.

My dear daughter who dances on stage for all the world to see is what you would call just a little clumsy. So I make her plate and she tells me "Mom I can put the toppings on my taco" - so she goes to the end of the counter and starts to top it - and then her plate (only plastic) hits the ground. So we clean it up and start again.

Flash to the adults making their plates. I am walking around one part of the Island and my sister Colleen (who we think Danielle gets the clumsy gene from) is standing there with her plate. Now I will admit I bumped into her LIGHTLY and BAM her plate was on the floor!!!

So my brother jumps in and says "Danielle - look what Aunt Colleen just did!!!" So Danielle gets up, walks over to the spill site and says "Wow Colly - you really dropped a lot of food - worse than mine!!!"

Colleen took care of Danielle for me while I worked from when she was 3 months old until she was almost 3 years old so they both hold a special place in each other's hearts - for more than one reason!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A True Gentleman and His Proud Mom

Today I went to have lunch with my son Joseph. He is 6 years old and in the first grade - those that know Joseph well, know that he is less of a rough and tumbling boy and more of a conservative/passive type of kid.

While we were on the lunch line Joseph was introducing me to his friends in his class. When we moved from the food line to the cash register a friend of his (a girl) was in front of us and her tray fell off the counter. I was on the floor helping her pick it up and telling her we would go get another lunch for her, I told Joseph to go ahead and pay for his lunch and I would be right there - well in the process of that 2 boys on the other side of the cash register started laughing at the little girl - much to my surprise - but extreme joy - Joseph told the other 2 boys to stop laughing because it wasn't funny!!!

Not until after school when I was telling him that I was proud of him for doing the right thing did I find out that the other 2 boys were not even boys in his class and not boys that he knew!!! I am not sure why but that seemed more impressive to me - I originally thought he was just telling other classmates to knock it off - but to know he would say it to a total stranger was just amazing!!!

He told me that what they did was wrong because we should all treat each other the way we would like to be treated.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forty and Fabulous!!!

Joe will turn 40 tomorrow!!! I may be biased but I think he looks great. And of course our daughter thinks so - in the card she made him she said he doesn't look a day over 20!!!

Here are a few shots from our family dinner in his honor on Saturday night:

Danielle and Dad

Joseph and Dad

Nanny Pat and her BABY

Another one of Regina's Masterpieces

Joe with all of our niece's and nephew's

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Your Personal Faith Walk

I was listening to an interesting conversation last night about Churches, Pastors, Preachers, Priests etc.....

We are all aware there are differences between denominations as well as individual Churches. We are all also aware there have been a few "bad eggs" in each denomination that make people doubt the AWESOME work others are doing.

I am not going to "preach" to you here today - I am simply going to say stay on your own personal faith walk, don't let peer pressure or the media push doubts into your mind and most importantly remember that God might be putting you within hearing distance of the doubters so that you can either reaffirm your faith or say something to them that may make the "lightbulb" go on in their head.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The next generation of friends

Growing up my parents owned a 7-11 on Long Island that was next to a Horse Farm. The horse farm was owned by the DellaRatta Family and it wasn't long before my parents and the DellaRatta's were best friends. From that me and my siblings became very good friends with their kids Tom and Jenn. Tom and I are still Best Friends and we see each other as often as possible and we travel together with our families as well. Danielle, Joseph and his daughter Alexa are literally growing up together - just like we did. We went to see them Labor Day Weekend and we took our niece Amber with us (my sister Colleen's daughter) and Tom & Lisa had their niece Chloe come to their house for a few nights (Jenn's daughter). So that gave us the chance for some great photo ops (something I LOVE). So here you have the 3rd Generation of friends!!!

Amber, Chloe and Danielle - the girls daughters!!!

Amber, Chloe, Danielle, Alexa and Joseph - it is tough being the only boy!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 27, 1994

14 years ago today Joe and I got married. From that union we have 2 beautiful children, Danielle (8) and Joseph (6) and a life together that I wouldn't trade for anything.

I can clearly remember our big day - and even some of the smallest details. Last night I was thinking how 14 years ago on the eve of my Wedding I spent the night with my brother Danny and sister Colleen and we watched the movie Grease. We did that many, many times growing up and it seemed like the perfect way to end my time living at home with my family.

My brother "gave me away" and my sister Colleen was our Maid-of Honor. Joe's brother, Steve, was our best man and my two sister-in-law's were bridesmaids. We had a large bridal party - 16 people plus Joe and I. 14 of our closest friends and family members - many of them married couples and our beautiful niece Christina was the flower girl and my cousin Russell the ring bearer.

It was one of the HOTTEST days ever - and I mean ever!!! But it was exactly what I had dreamed of. I wanted outdoor pictures and we got them, I wanted a symbolic ceremony at Church and we had that, I wanted a reception where everyone would have a great time and we would start our life together on a happy, joyous note - and we did. I love watching our wedding video and reliving it all - and no matter how many times I watch it - it touches my heart each time. The only thing missing was both of our dads - but we knew they were watching from Heaven and having just as much fun as we were.

What Joe and I have is a strong foundation - we met when we were 18 and dated for 7 years before we got married. Lots of family support. A deep rooted friendship that helps us through difficult times. I will not sit here and say we never argue - but I will say that we both value the things that brought us together and keep us together enough to know that an argument here and there is not going to break this relationship. We have many common interest and love to do things together but we are secure enough to know time apart for individual interests is good for us as well.

We are both turning 40 this year so at this point we have been together for over 1/2 our lifetime - I wouldn't have it any other way......

Trip to Jamaica to Celebrate Our Anniversary

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Where does the time go??? Seems like just yesterday we had 2 kids in diapers - now we have a 1st grader and a 3rd grader!!! I hope Joe and I continue to make the time to soak it all in with Danielle and Joseph as they really are AWESOME kids!!!

Our Beautiful 3rd Grader

My Baby - oops I mean My 1st Grader

Joseph, Brianna and Danielle - How cool to be able to see your cousin everyday at school

Awesome Friends + Jamaican People = Awesome Vacation

Joe and I went to Sandals Dunn's River 8/10 - 8/16 with our good friends. I have known Tom for 28 YEARS and his wife Lisa for 9 years. Daryl was the first person Joe and I met when we came to Charlotte in 1997 to see if we wanted to move here. She worked at the Verizon Store with Joe and her and her husband Andre are now "family". We met Mike & Sally a few years ago - and they fell right in with this crazy crowd!!!

I have to say the people of Jamaica are unbelievable - they are warm, sincere, giving, kind, funny and just so happy. They have little and they are better for it. Sandals does not allow employees to accept tips so we chose to bring gifts instead for our favorite people. When we give them a gift - it is like they are winning the lottery. They TRULY appreciate what ever it is (especially CHOCOLATE) and they are so thankful. The best part of the trip for me is giving out the gifts. Don't get me wrong the Country is beautiful and the food, sites, etc... are all wonderful - but for me it is the people that make me want to go back again and again and again.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the trip:

The waterfall in the pool

Daryl & Joe - Forever Friends

All The Ladies

Romantic Dinner

Our new friends Marlon and Machel