Monday, September 22, 2008

Did he just say that??????

Saturday night we were baby sitting for our good friends. Their adorable son is 5 months old. It has been a long time since we have had a baby in our house - my son is 6 years old and our youngest nephew is 2.

So Little Mr. Calloway was fussy/crying - I was holding him and walking with him. Apparently I was not comforting him quick enough for my son Joseph. He came walking into the kitchen - where I was walking him - and said to me:

MOM - you had 2 babies don't you know what to do???

Needless to say I cracked up - oh and Calloway calmed down and took a nice nap on top of me while I was sitting in our recliner.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

This was my favorite story he told me, because I got to hear it out of his mouth!!