Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Where does the time go??? Seems like just yesterday we had 2 kids in diapers - now we have a 1st grader and a 3rd grader!!! I hope Joe and I continue to make the time to soak it all in with Danielle and Joseph as they really are AWESOME kids!!!

Our Beautiful 3rd Grader

My Baby - oops I mean My 1st Grader

Joseph, Brianna and Danielle - How cool to be able to see your cousin everyday at school


Colleen Gebhardt said...

Look how big my babies are getting. How dare they. I didn't hear about any tears, so that's great! Soon you will be buried in school projects, and homework. Like you said yesterday, by the time I have to help Alex with homework, Amber will have moved out. lol!