Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Favorite Quotes

When I hear something that really moves me, I write it down, commit it to memory, and do my best to requote it to others. Here are a few of my favorites I have written down over the years:

"Ignore people who say it can't be done."

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals."

"What He allows us to suffer is matched by the grace He gives us to endure."

"I believe life is not measured by what you spend, but by what you spend time doing."

"God never calls you to give up something that He will not replace with an upgrade."

"Keep your eye on the prize." (The back story to this one is hilarious)

And my hands down personal favorite - because my dad cut it out of a professional journal years ago - if I had to guess I would say at least 20 years ago and he wrote my name on it, I have it with me everyday.

"Goal setting unleashes one of the greatest powers in the universe. If you aim at nothing, that is what you will hit; if you reach for the stars, certainly your feet will get off the ground!"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I see, I wish, I hope

Today would have been my Father's 66th Birthday. Unfortunately this is the 18th time he is not here with us to celebrate. My dad loved to celebrate the important days - not extravagantly but just surrounded by people he loved and who loved him.

I thought I would post things I see, I wish and I hope with regards to my dad.

I see a piece of him in all 9 of his grandchildren. Some have his blue eyes, some are left handed like he was, some have his kind heart and giving personality, some have his ability to be friends with people immediately, some would spend time with family above all else. Most importantly in ALL of them I see non-judgemental kids who don't see color, religion, social status etc... when they see others. And that comes from my sister's and I raising our children the way our parents raised us.

I see a piece of him in all 4 of us, Me, Danny, Pattie and Colleen. I love getting up early before everyone and enjoying a cup of coffee. My brother Danny is 100% our father in his work ethic - it is like looking at my dad all over again. Pattie spends most of her waking moments with her family. Colleen has his skin, Irish complexion, and his non-confrontational personality.

I see almost daily how much he meant to friends and family who keep his legacy alive and who constantly tell stories about him.

I wish he had met everyone's significant others (Joe is the only one he met before passing) so they would truly understand the awesome man he was.

I wish the kids knew Popa personally and not just through our stories. Although if you talk to them you may think they did know him personally.

I wish he was here to help us teach our daughters all he taught us about remaining strong, independent and not following the crowd as we were growing up.

I hope my brother realizes how proud our father would be of him and that most of the career decisions he has made would have been the same advice dad would have given him.

I hope our family continues to value the way we were brought up and holds close the traditions and importance of family that we were taught.

I hope and pray that I am 1/2 the parent that mine were.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Guest Bloggers - Danielle & Joseph

Today is Joe's Birthday so I thought I would let the kids take over my blog and type a message for their dad.

Three things I love about dad

1. I love when you talk like joe when he's mad.
2. When you help with homework.
3. I love when you play basketball with us in the backyard.

Three things I love about dad

1. Dad I love when you help me with things.
2. I love when you tuck me and danielle in at night.
3. I LOVE when you play bass on rock band with the family.

Happy Birthday Joe - we all love you!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nanny Connie Style - for you Colly

I have an early meeting at work this morning so I got myself together and was "trying" to look my best. Driving in was a breeze, no traffic, listening to the Elevation Worship CD, just enjoying my ride.

Oh, wait, is that rain??? Did I leave my umbrella in the office yesterday??? Is it raining harder???

My parking garage is across the street from my building - no worries - my grandmother taught me a great way to improvise....

Step 1 - Take the stuff out of the Wal-Mart bag that is on the floor of the car waiting to be returned.

Step 2 - Tie the Wal-Mart bag around you head like a kerchief.

Step 3 - Walk really fast and hope no one see's you.

Of course there are security cameras in the deck and the entrance to the building so I am sure someone had a good laugh. But hey, I am dry and ready for the meeting.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Nana's

Where should I start??? This is my mom (AKA Nana Rosie) and my best friend Tom's mom (AKA Nana Suzie). Back in 1980 by parents franchised a 7-11 store that was right next to the "Holbrook Stables" which was owned by Sue and Mike. (Tom's parents) Immediate friendships were stuck. Tom and I became inseperable - he helped me put together the Sunday papers at the 7-11 and I helped him at the concession stand at the barn. Our parents became the best of friends. They went out to dinner, celebrated holiday's, traveled to the poconos and basically became family.

Nana Rosie and Nana Suzie are now widows who put all they have into their grandchildren. My mom has 10 grandchildren (7 boys and 3 girls) and 1 on the way. Suzie has 2 grandchildren (both girls). They are also "Nana" to many other lucky children - AND even our friends have started calling them "The Nana's." I believe "The Nana's" was started by Daryl and it stuck.

The Nana's don't have much but they give 100% of their hearts to everyone they love. All 12 of the grandchildren truly believe the sun rise's and set's on Nana. All of our extended family and friends have children who WANT to be with the Nana's. The thing that amazes me is that the Nana's aren't push overs, they have rules, expect respect and they do say no at times - but these kids are attracted to the Nana's like a magnet to metal.

The Nana's will cook and clean when they are "guests" in your home, travel with family or each other - you name it. I would say anyone that knows and loves them feels a "gathering" is incomplete without them. Grown-ups and kids alike want the Nana's involved in everything!!!

So here's to Nana Rosie and Nana Suzie - we all love you and are so BLESSED to have you both.