Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A True Gentleman and His Proud Mom

Today I went to have lunch with my son Joseph. He is 6 years old and in the first grade - those that know Joseph well, know that he is less of a rough and tumbling boy and more of a conservative/passive type of kid.

While we were on the lunch line Joseph was introducing me to his friends in his class. When we moved from the food line to the cash register a friend of his (a girl) was in front of us and her tray fell off the counter. I was on the floor helping her pick it up and telling her we would go get another lunch for her, I told Joseph to go ahead and pay for his lunch and I would be right there - well in the process of that 2 boys on the other side of the cash register started laughing at the little girl - much to my surprise - but extreme joy - Joseph told the other 2 boys to stop laughing because it wasn't funny!!!

Not until after school when I was telling him that I was proud of him for doing the right thing did I find out that the other 2 boys were not even boys in his class and not boys that he knew!!! I am not sure why but that seemed more impressive to me - I originally thought he was just telling other classmates to knock it off - but to know he would say it to a total stranger was just amazing!!!

He told me that what they did was wrong because we should all treat each other the way we would like to be treated.



Colleen Gebhardt said...

Good for him! He's already scoring with the ladies! Good manners will take him a loooooong way Mommy! Even if I am cheap and he's sick of me. Ok. That's old. I'll let it go I suppose.