Thursday, September 25, 2008

Things you can't part with

We all have things we can't part with. No matter how many times we are cleaning out and donating a few things just stay with us even if we only see them when we are cleaning out and donating.

My latest thing I can't part with......

We were cleaning out our storage area in our bonus room and donating lots of stuff to the Kidney Foundation. I came across a bag that had some table cloths, outdoor dishes, curtains and placemats. Joe was ready to bring the bag down stairs to add to the donate pile when they caught my eye......

When we moved into our house almost 10 years ago I found some curtains in Target that were "good enough" to hang in our kitchen until we could get "really nice" one's. Well they only had the long 84 inch curtains and we have a window above our sink in addition to the window in the eating area. So I bought 4 panels just knowing that my grandmother - Nanny Connie - would be able to cut the curtains and make them the right length. And I was right - she made them the perfect length. Now for the reason I can not part with the curtains - not because she cut them down -but because she made us 6 placemats with the "extra" material!!! My grandmother never wasted anything - and she always wanted to keep busy. She did this at the age of 82!!! And they were perfect - and she didn't take the easy way out and make them rectangle in shape - they are oval!!! So I folded the curtains and placemats and put them back in a nice box to keep in storage.

I may never use them again - but I will never part with them. To me they are a part of my grandmother and I want to hold onto as much of her as I can.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Simply The Best

My Dad - Daniel Corbett - would have been 65 years old today!!! Unfortunately we lost him to lung cancer on April 8, 1992. Just over 16 years ago - WOW - sometimes it seems like yesterday to me.

Yes he was my dad but I have many friends who would agree with me 100% when I say he was the best dad ever!!! The older I get the more I realize what an influence he had on my life and I also realize how important a dad's role in his daughters life is.

I will give a few examples of my favorite memories/life lessons.....

When I was in College my dad cut out a quote from one of his business magazines, wrote my name on it and gave it to me. I still have the piece of paper - and I love being able to look at the way he wrote my name - it says - "Goal setting unleashes one of the greatest powers in the universe. If you aim at nothing, that is what you will hit; if you reach for the stars, certainly your feet will get off the ground!"

I had a terrible schedule one semester in College - a class at 7am and then not another until 3:50pm so to make ends meet and pay for my car I would work in between - I guess I was looking tired or something because my dad sat me down and told me - "Me and your mother will help pay for the car this semester but you are only allowed to work on Friday (I had no classes on Friday's) & Saturday - I can't be worried all day about you driving back and forth". So for that semester he did help with the car - all to make sure his daughter was safe and focusing on her education.

I had a bad breakup with a boyfriend after my freshman year of College - he (my boyfriend) was sick and getting radiation, I would go almost everyday with him after my classes to Manhattan for his treatments - in doing this I failed 2 classes that semester and lost my scholarship and we broke up all at the same time. Never once did my father say to me that I was now going to cost him and my mom more money - never, his focus again was on my well being and education - he just wanted to make sure I stayed in school.

The following semester I came to him and said Dad I don't think that accounting is for me - it is too hard and I am struggling I think I am going to change my major to Management or Marketing. He told me - I will give you one year to take your required classes and other business classes - then you can decide what you want your major to be. If you do not pick a specific profession me and your mother are not going to contine to pay for college - you can go get a job at the mall if you want to learn to be a manager. That might sound harsh - but he knew all I had just been through and what I was capable of. Guess what??? He was right and I got my accounting degree and currently have an awesome job that I love and suits my family life perfectly!!!

Those are all College related stories - but some of the most important things that shaped my life.....

Here are some from throughout my life:

There is a page in my "baby book" that my dad wrote on as soon as I was born - a personal message. It talks about him naming me after his mother and his hopes that him and my mom are good parents and can give me a good life - I can not see though my tears right now as I wish I could tell him today he gave me a PERFECT life - it was all a girl could ask for - mostly because he gave me the most important gift - HIS TIME. Joe and I named our daughter after him (Danielle) and I have the same hopes for her that he did for me.

I have 3 siblings and if there were ever times the 4 of us would be out of the house too much - I mean in our teenage years - he would say "Whatever you have going on this Sunday - cancel it - we are having family day" - and we would spend the whole day together.

My family lived in Miami, Florida for one year - when they decided to move back to NY I rode in the U-Haul with my dad (I was 5 years old) and I can still see clear as day his red/black/white plaid jacket and in the pocket he kept Cheese Nips for me for the ride.

The first time I ever came home drunk (NO I was not driving) he said to me - what time did you get home last night - I could never lie so I said to be honest I don't know - he said Ok you see how you feel right now - that will be your punishment THIS TIME if it happens again you will be grounded for months. I swear to you I didn't drink again for about 3 years!!!

Joe was never allowed upstairs in our house because there was only bedrooms up there - well unless my mom needed something out of the attic and he didn't want to go up in there.

He told me - don't wear skimpy clothes - dress the way you normally would. When guys are talking to the other girls in the skimpy clothes that is the reason they are talking to them - you will know when they are talking to you it is because of who you are and not because of what you are wearing.

He didn't believe in us having TV's in our bedrooms - it would make us too scattered. We had on television in our house and it was in the "family room" so we were all together watching TV.

He stopped all phone calls from our 5-7pm because that was dinner time and he didn't want it interupted. We ate dinner every night as a family.

When we were older and my parents were doing better financially he went out each year at Christmas time and picked the 4 of us out a special gift just from him.

He loved to spoil my mother!!! For special occasions he would buy her something nice and hide it - in the fridge for example - then ask her to get him something from there so she would find it.

All of my friends LOVED to be at our house - my parents were warm, welcoming and a lot of fun to be around. My dad loved having them because it meant he knew where we were at all times and that we were all safe.

My sister-in-law Regina had just given birth to my beautiful niece Christina and she wanted to bring her to see my dad. Again he was in the bed at our house at this point. So she dressed her up and brought her over (keep in mind my dad was Catholic) Regina brought the baby in the room and was talking to him and my dad held her briefly and then he looked at Regina and said "I really appreciate you bringing her to see me - but now take her home and don't bring her out until her Christening!!!" We all laughed.

His love for my friend Suzanne was unique. She came to live with us during College and I am not sure if she really knew what she was in for. She had to have all the same rules we did. One semester it seemed like she might not make enrollment - well my dad made sure she did. He told her more than once - "Go change that outfit, you are not walking out of this house in that!!!" Now mind you it non of the outfits were bad - just not conservative enough for him. Sue worked for him in the 7-11 too and he expected as much from her as he did from me, Danny, Pattie and Colleen.
I remember one night - we were probably 22 years old - Suzanne and I told my dad "We are going up the the 10th Inning (it was a local pub)he said Oh no your not - I have been there and you two are not going there. I never stepped foot in there even after he passed.

I remember when Suzanne was getting married and we were talking about the wedding etc... and she was so, so sad that my dad was not going to be there to see her. Neither one of us got to have him at our weddings - but he was certainly in our hearts at both.

While he was sick and at home - he was paralyzed from the waist down from surgery to remove a tumor - I said to him - Dad you have to work harder at physical therapy so you can get up and be ready to walk me down the aisle when I get married - he said to me "When are you finally going to marry Joe?" I knew right then that he was happy with mine and Joe's relationship and that he would be happy and content with us being married.

Again while he was in the bed - I was 23 years old at this point - I said to him "Dad, Joe and I are going to see the Vikings play the Patriots this weekend but it is a 1:00 game so we will have to leave the day before and stay over night" Oh boy did I know I was going out on a limb with that - his response - "Well I guess you are going because what I am going to do - jump up out of this bed and chase you???" If you knew him personally you would know that was his humor - and at the same time him saying (reluctantly) ok.

On New Year's Eve - for my whole life - even in my 20's and college years I had to be with my parents at 12:00. I clearly remember Tom and I being at a party across the street from Tom's house where our parents were and I had to hurry up and run across the street to be at the DellaRatta's at midnight.

There are so, so many more stories to tell - I could write a book!!!

My dear Regina and Suzanne have already e-mailed me today with their love and support - I find it appropriate to share some quotes from them so you all will see I am really not as biased as I may seem:

From Regina - It is obvious to everyone around you even people that did not know your Dad what a positive impact he has had on your life. That is what you need to think about today. Your Dad had such an impact on every person that he met. His life on earth was not long enough for any of us. But the legacy, values and love that he left everyone with is eternal.

Suzanne - How is your mood today. Sad, okay, what?
I can see his smile and remember his good spirit as if it was yesterday we were all together. Remember him standing on top of us at the 7-11 getting ready for lunch. We had to have all the hotdog buns ready to serve and whatever else.
If only we could go to just one more labor day party of his. Speaking of parties. I remember how your parents had new years eve parties. They were so sweet to have a birthday cake for me one year. I remember I was 14. I had tears in my eyes and I remember Tom Della Ratta asking me why I was crying..
I could get lost in the past all day today.

So I close with this - I am an extremely lucky and blessed girl to have had Daniel Corbett as my father. I will cherish these memories and many more for the rest of my life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Did he just say that??????

Saturday night we were baby sitting for our good friends. Their adorable son is 5 months old. It has been a long time since we have had a baby in our house - my son is 6 years old and our youngest nephew is 2.

So Little Mr. Calloway was fussy/crying - I was holding him and walking with him. Apparently I was not comforting him quick enough for my son Joseph. He came walking into the kitchen - where I was walking him - and said to me:

MOM - you had 2 babies don't you know what to do???

Needless to say I cracked up - oh and Calloway calmed down and took a nice nap on top of me while I was sitting in our recliner.

It runs in the family.......

So yesterday my family was at our house for dinner. I went with Mexican as it is a good crowd favorite.

My dear daughter who dances on stage for all the world to see is what you would call just a little clumsy. So I make her plate and she tells me "Mom I can put the toppings on my taco" - so she goes to the end of the counter and starts to top it - and then her plate (only plastic) hits the ground. So we clean it up and start again.

Flash to the adults making their plates. I am walking around one part of the Island and my sister Colleen (who we think Danielle gets the clumsy gene from) is standing there with her plate. Now I will admit I bumped into her LIGHTLY and BAM her plate was on the floor!!!

So my brother jumps in and says "Danielle - look what Aunt Colleen just did!!!" So Danielle gets up, walks over to the spill site and says "Wow Colly - you really dropped a lot of food - worse than mine!!!"

Colleen took care of Danielle for me while I worked from when she was 3 months old until she was almost 3 years old so they both hold a special place in each other's hearts - for more than one reason!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A True Gentleman and His Proud Mom

Today I went to have lunch with my son Joseph. He is 6 years old and in the first grade - those that know Joseph well, know that he is less of a rough and tumbling boy and more of a conservative/passive type of kid.

While we were on the lunch line Joseph was introducing me to his friends in his class. When we moved from the food line to the cash register a friend of his (a girl) was in front of us and her tray fell off the counter. I was on the floor helping her pick it up and telling her we would go get another lunch for her, I told Joseph to go ahead and pay for his lunch and I would be right there - well in the process of that 2 boys on the other side of the cash register started laughing at the little girl - much to my surprise - but extreme joy - Joseph told the other 2 boys to stop laughing because it wasn't funny!!!

Not until after school when I was telling him that I was proud of him for doing the right thing did I find out that the other 2 boys were not even boys in his class and not boys that he knew!!! I am not sure why but that seemed more impressive to me - I originally thought he was just telling other classmates to knock it off - but to know he would say it to a total stranger was just amazing!!!

He told me that what they did was wrong because we should all treat each other the way we would like to be treated.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forty and Fabulous!!!

Joe will turn 40 tomorrow!!! I may be biased but I think he looks great. And of course our daughter thinks so - in the card she made him she said he doesn't look a day over 20!!!

Here are a few shots from our family dinner in his honor on Saturday night:

Danielle and Dad

Joseph and Dad

Nanny Pat and her BABY

Another one of Regina's Masterpieces

Joe with all of our niece's and nephew's

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Your Personal Faith Walk

I was listening to an interesting conversation last night about Churches, Pastors, Preachers, Priests etc.....

We are all aware there are differences between denominations as well as individual Churches. We are all also aware there have been a few "bad eggs" in each denomination that make people doubt the AWESOME work others are doing.

I am not going to "preach" to you here today - I am simply going to say stay on your own personal faith walk, don't let peer pressure or the media push doubts into your mind and most importantly remember that God might be putting you within hearing distance of the doubters so that you can either reaffirm your faith or say something to them that may make the "lightbulb" go on in their head.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The next generation of friends

Growing up my parents owned a 7-11 on Long Island that was next to a Horse Farm. The horse farm was owned by the DellaRatta Family and it wasn't long before my parents and the DellaRatta's were best friends. From that me and my siblings became very good friends with their kids Tom and Jenn. Tom and I are still Best Friends and we see each other as often as possible and we travel together with our families as well. Danielle, Joseph and his daughter Alexa are literally growing up together - just like we did. We went to see them Labor Day Weekend and we took our niece Amber with us (my sister Colleen's daughter) and Tom & Lisa had their niece Chloe come to their house for a few nights (Jenn's daughter). So that gave us the chance for some great photo ops (something I LOVE). So here you have the 3rd Generation of friends!!!

Amber, Chloe and Danielle - the girls daughters!!!

Amber, Chloe, Danielle, Alexa and Joseph - it is tough being the only boy!!!