Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

My dad gave this Santa to my mom many years ago. After he passed away it brought great memories to all of us when we take it out each year and think of him.

In our house we call this the Corbett (my maiden name) Family Tree. My mom lives with us and this tree is every ornament that me, Colleen, Danny & Pattie have ever made as well as ornaments that each of her 9 grandchildren have made for her.

Joe and I are HUGE Disney people and so are our kids - this is our Disney Tree. Each ornament is some kind of a Disney Ornament. Joe and I started collecting them before we even had children.

Our Mantle. I LOVE IT - for some reason this year it just looks so awesome to me. I think it is because Joe recently put a wood floor in the family room. I could sit and look at it all night. Notice the Disney stuff....

This is the tree that Joe and I bought the Christmas before we got married - so just about 15 years ago. We got up early on the 26th and met at the store to get the best deal. The decorations are different this year - but the tree was prestrung when we bought it - different than prelit in that we can take strands off if we want too - but I have to say we really have only had 2 strands go out that we needed to replace.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoy getting the house all decorated!!!


Anonymous said...

Your house looks like so much fun! Your kids are going to have great Christmas memories.

Colleen Gebhardt said...

It does look beautiful, and it looks even so much better in person!! That's why I always take my Christmas pics at your house!!