Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some of the best advice I have ever received

Years ago when I first gave birth to Danielle, Joe's Uncle Matt was talking with me and he said "Always remember, the best thing you can give your child is your time." They don't need all the things you think they need, frankly they don't want them. Get a book and sit with your child on the couch and give her your undivided attention. THAT is what kids want.

During these tough economic times I am often reminded of his words. As parents we are always thinking about what can we do with the kids now... Where can we go...

Some of the things that Joe and I have always done with Danielle and Joseph are board game night and movie night where we have popcorn and candy just like in the theater - but in the comfort of our family room. The kids love it - and so do we. We started this with our nieces and Steve & Regina before we were even married - and we still like to do it with all of our nieces and nephews - and they love it too - no matter their age. They like it because we are all sitting together and talking and having fun - and they get all of our attention. Best of all it is really expense free.

Give your time to kids - it will have a major impact on their lives.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

I believe this 110%, and should do it even more. Sometimes I use the need to play independently. That's a terrible excuse. Amber and I hung out tonight together, and she just loves it.