Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guest Blogger Week

This week both Colleen and I are turing our blogs over to "guest bloggers." Each of the blogs will have the same theme - our father - Dan Corbett.

We have chosen this week because naturally we are thinking a lot about him with the wedding coming up on Saturday.

Unfortunately none of us had him at our weddings in body - but he was certainly there in spirit.

Most of our friends here in North Carolina have never had the pleasure of meeting this awesome man - but surely you have heard many, many stories about him. We decided to ask some very special people in our lives to write about dad so you would all see how many peoples lives he touched.

Here is what we are going to do. Each day you will have to look at both of our blogs - one of us will have a "bio" of sorts on the persons writing that we are publishing that day - and the other one of us will have the story they wrote.

We hope you enjoy this as much as we have enjoyed receiving the letters.