Saturday, March 21, 2009

So Proud!!!

Last night my mom and I were at Concord Mills with Danielle and Joseph. As we were walking through Children's Place to leave the mall, Joseph looked down and said, "Someone dropped their money." I looked down and he was right there was $16.00 on the floor. He was standing there and looking around so I said "Joseph, pick up the money" he looked at me like I was crazy but he did pick it up. I took the money from his hand and here is how it went from there:

Joseph: Mom what are you doing?

Danielle: Mom we can't keep that it is not ours!

Mom: I know that, lets just stand here a minute and see if anyone comes back looking for it.

Joseph: We should just ask people if they lost money.

Mom: Joseph if you ask someone if they lost money 90% of them will say yes and take it from you.

Joseph & Danielle: Well we should take it and turn it in at the desk/front counter.

Mom: (I may be overly cynical) Kids if we leave this money at the counter they will probably just take it. Sometimes God puts money in front of you for a reason. (I wasn't sure what the reason was just yet)

Joseph: YOUR RIGHT we will take the money and put it in the offering at Church so God can use the money the way he thinks we should.

Mom: That is a GREAT idea!!!

So we left the mall, I let them each count the money so they would know how much they would add to the offering (they love having their own money to put in the offering) then I looked at my mom and said, "Can you believe these 2 kids didn't just say yeah we found money and we can keep it!!!" I am so, so proud of them for wanting to find the person, return the money and most importantly never, ever once thinking about what they could do with that money for themselves!!!

Perhaps God put the money there to remind me of this side of my kids....

Needless to say I called Joe right away and I could hear in his voice he was just as proud as I was. What awesome kids!!!


Colleen Gebhardt said...

I wouldn't have expected this story to go any other way. My daughter would have walked straight to.....Claire's.