Thursday, March 12, 2009

Big, Big Dip

My family fell into a HUGE dip last night. We have been struggling with Danielle falling asleep on her own for about 2 1/2 months now and last night the devil really had his way with us.

We started out talking about all Pastor Steven said on Sunday and what we had learned and how important it is to "look up the mountain" and not "dig deeper" but somehow we lost control of all of the important things.

Many tears were shed last night by all of us - I can't begin to describe to you how difficult this is and how on top of this I battle with myself about failing as a parent because I can't seem to help her.

We pray every night as a family and as individuals that God will help us through this. We know he is using Danielle to teach us something, but some nights it is not always so easy to keep that in the front of our minds.

Pray for her and for us that our time spent in this valley is coming to an end.