Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Performing Competitively

Back on February 28th my daughter Danielle and her dance class performed competitively for the first time. The girls are all between the ages of 9-11 and most of them have been dancing together for years. Danielle started dancing when she was 22 months old. It started as a way to get her involved with other kids her age - and now it is like a way of life for her!!!

These young girls are AWESOME, dedicated, mannerly, sweet, loving, kind and so on. They are exactly the kind of kids I want my daughter to surround herself with.

Their teacher, Miss Charyl is all of the above and then some. She loves each girl like they were her own. She nurtures them, yet holds them to standards about being considerate, respectful and a good team player.

We were all leery about our girls competing at such a young age but they begged us, with Miss Charyl's help and focused on how much they love to dance and not on the competitive piece.

It was truly a great experience. I loved the day myself. The girls did GREAT, especially for first timers. They only performed one dance, tap and a big part of me believes they really didn't understand or care about competing - they just love, love, love to perform and be on stage.

They did score enough points for a 1st place award!!! And more importantly they did it together, took the judges notes/criticisms together and will work together to improve on them.

This Saturday is their next and final competition for this season - 2 dances this time Jazz and Tap - wish them luck!!!

Being made-up by Miss Charyl

Running through the dance

Solteria, Alyssa, Julia and Danielle

Danielle and Jayla - her friend from her class in school who is on another dance team

Danielle and Me

Miss Charyl and all the girls

Please don't comment on the heavy make-up, it is hard enough for all of us moms to let them wear it - but it is required when they compete.