Thursday, July 31, 2008

You Are My Sunshine

This ADORABLE little guy is my Nephew Alex. He was born December 8, 2005 and he has been a Ray of Sunshine EVER SINCE.

He is soooooo sweet, loving and extremely funny and chatty!!! When people meet him they just can't believe how young he is. He talks like he a teenager - he has no "baby words", "slang" or unclear articulation in him. He has a full fledge conversation with you - and then all of a sudden you look up and realize - WOW I am having this big chat with a 2 year old!!!

He came to us for a sleep over last night - and as usual it was the highlight of my week!!! I came home to him standing in a T-Shirt and my son's boxer brief's with the Guitar Hero Guitar around him and him SINGING You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never no dear how much I Love You, Please don't take my Sunshine away!!! Loud and clear and BEAUTIFULLY!!!

I really should be singing that to him - as since birth he has been providing me nothing but SUNSHINE and HAPPINESS.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

That's MY baby. He's going to be an entertainer one day.....