Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Do you believe......

I was just driving home and heard that Cher is 62 today!!! WOW - I hope I look that good at 50!!!

Which brings me to the "Do you believe....." - and I don't mean the song.

My dad was a huge Cher fan for as long as I can remember. He passed away 2 years before I got married and in everything I did for the wedding I tried to incorporate him. Joe and I chose "Afterall" as our wedding song - it is sung by Cher and Peter Cetera. We were married in 1994 so the song was not new at that time by any means.

One day before the wedding (during the planning phase) I went to the cemetery to sit and talk to my dad. During my "chat" or reflection I said "Dad - I really wish I knew if you know about the wedding and Joe and I getting married".

I walked back to the car, got in, turned it on and OUR WEDDING SONG was playing on the radio!!! Again not a song that was being played daily at that time at all.

For me, that was my sign that he knew.....

So tell me - Do you believe.....


Anonymous said...

You know I believe....I live for that stuff. And you know I love Cher too. ;0)

Mike G said...

You're so right, Cher looks fabulous, but you can tell her surgeon! She has more plastic stuck on her than a Barbie doll! ; ) Oh what mo money can bring you!!
On the realistic side of things - I absolutely believe. I did some what before, but truly believe since the passing of my mom three years ago. I've heard her call my name out in a crowded room, heard her whisper in my ear, felt her brush along side of me, smelled her perfume in the middle of no where, which raised the goose bumps all over my body. A few times, I've woke up in the middle of the night to see one or more objects standing at the foot of my bed possibly, and I'm guessing, it was my mom, and parents/my Nana and pop pop. I'm not sure how long they were there for, but I will say I wasn't the least bit startled, then they'd just quietly go away.
I've read books written by Sylvia Brown, and John Edwards to verify what I've been hearing and witnessing, I even went to see Sylvia Brown when she was here in Charlotte. Everything I've stated above has reason and are within the pages of their books.
For I am one who truly believes and feel sorry for the ones who do not - You don't know what you are missing!!