Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Good Mix Of Both Parents

As I get older I realize there are many things that make me "my father's daughter" and there are many things that make me "my mother's daughter".

As I was cutting the lawn the other day - a great way to exercise and have time to let your mind wander - I was thinking of all the things I have in common with each parent:

My dad - I am an early person, so was he. I am an accountant/business woman, he loved running his own business. I give when I don't really have it to give, so did he - many times he saved someones lights from being cut off, car from being reposessed and even helped with mortgage payments.

My mom - she worked and still took care of all of us, I am doing the best I can with that!!! She loves working in the yard, I have no problem cutting the grass or working on the landscape. (as an aside my dad never cut the lawn - he paid someone -so I truly get that from my mom) She cooked dinner 99% of the time, so do I (fast food/take out is just not for me) She ironed everything, so do I (and yes she still irons for us - but she lives here)

What I get from both of them - There is nothing more important than family, Children's needs always come first, be best friends with your spouse, accept people for who they are, never, ever use color or religion as a way to judge people, and so many more valuable things...

I smiled the whole time I was cutting the lawn as I realized all of the things I took and still take from both of them.

Here is hoping my kids are a good mix of me and Joe.


Mike G said...

Here's just an infinite part of my mom's makeup that makes me "my mother's son" For I too love this mans voice and music. But this song especially was held close to my mom's heart.
For selfish reasons - I do believe the words of this is her.

I hope this can be viewed and listened to.

Engelbert Humperdink
- Ave Maria -

Colleen Gebhardt said...

Lets see...

I'm a night owl-Mommy
I'm entertaining-Daddy
I sleep with my mouth open-Mommy
I'm very soft-Daddy
I like to spend money-BOTH!!