Monday, May 26, 2008

Perfect Day

Yesterday (5/25/08) my sister-in-law and brother-in-law hosted a party at their house. It was to celebrate my nieces confirmation (that took place Wednesday night). I have to say the day - for me - was perfect.

They have a beautiful yard with a pool and a trampoline, they invited both of their families and mine and most importantly their home is a very, very comfortable place to be - no matter when you go - you are always, always made to feel at home.

There were 11 kids from all of the families there ranging from 19 years old to 2 years old and they all mingle so well together. It is like a scene from a movie just sitting in a far spot in the yard and watching all of them interact and having so, so much fun. We all realize the older one's will be "doing their own thing" soon enough - but for now we are going to hold on as long as we can.

Then there is my generation - all of us - me & my siblings, Joe & his sibling, Regina & her siblings and all the spouses always have a good time together. Yesterday was especially fun as "old" pictures were being passed around. (Names will be left out to protect the innocent!!!) While I was laughing ALOT the best part for me was seeing my husband and his sister just all out cracking up together. My sister-in-law Maria has a laugh that can't help but make everyone else laugh - it is whole hearted and I just love hearing it. I also looked up at one point to see my husband and his brother playing baddmitton and laughing about it before being joined by some of the kids.....

And finally we have the generation of parents - we all love having them around!!! There is something very comforting about their advise, watching them with all the kids - and they all treat each kid like they are a member of their family - no matter how they are connected. And then of course there is my mother - what party would be complete without Nana "rescuing" a kid. This time it was Baby Alex who thought he was swimming, Nana thought he was drowning and out of no where she swooped him out of the pool, by the neck, like a mother cat would grab her kitten!!! Well actually it was the back of the life jacket - but if you were there you would know it did look like the cat scenerio.

We all arrived about 1 and we all left at about 9 - so that right there should tell you what a good time we all had!!!

Steve & Regina - thank you for "The Perfect Day"


Colleen Gebhardt said...

This was my favirote part of the day:
Refresher: Danielle had sent my Mother's Day gift over with my Mom one day because I wasn't going to see her on Mother's Day. She forgot the card, and gave it to me yesterday.

Me: Thank you for the beautiful jewelry you gave me for Mother's Day.

Danielle: Your welcome! It was pretty!

Me: (she gave me a Cinderella card, because I always called her my bippidy boppidy boo)
I "get" the card babe...I Love it.

Danielle:(In my ear) What kind of jewelry did I get you?

Marie always says in that regard, I got her daughter, and she got mine! I WILL blog about this!