Sunday, February 22, 2009

Father/Daughter Dance

Danielle's school held their annual Father/Daughter Dance on Saturday Night. The theme this year was "A night with the stars.... A red carpet event..." The dance is for all the girls at the school and their dad or other significant male in their life. It is always a grand event that the PTA and volunteers work very hard on. My sister-in-law Regina and I volunteer every year because we love helping plan for such a special night for the girls and we also serve at the dance so we can see them all with their dads.....

Here is Miss Danielle with as her shirt says "The worlds greatest Nana" getting ready for the dance....

Here we have Joe & Danielle and Steve & Brianna taking their stroll down the red carpet....

Danielle with "Troy & Gabrielle"....

Steve & Brianna, Dale & Alyssa and Joe & Danielle dancing to "Daddy's Little Girl:....

Danielle and her beautiful friends - what a lucky group of dads these girls have as they are all beautiful on the inside as well....

For me the best part of the night is watching the dads beaming with pride as they escort their "Little Girls" - it is a great way for them to have time together and for the girls to be treated like princesses by the most important man in their lives.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

Must I cry right now? That is sooo cute. I love the Dad's in their suits!!! Too cute!!

Colleen Gebhardt said...

Must I cry right now? That is sooo cute. I love the Dad's in their suits!!! Too cute!!

Because of Love said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

All of the girls looked so pretty, and its nice to see the dads dress up too. It really was a great night. I would love to have the double of Alyssa and Dale dancing :)