Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Christina Mari

This beautiful young lady is my niece Christina. She is turning 17 today!!! She was the first baby for the Marsicano Family. She came into my life at a time when I really needed some joy - and she was it!!! She was not as easy going as she is now, but we loved being with her.

She has turned into an amazing teenager right before our eyes. She handles herself with unbelievable poise and grace. She is kind hearted, soft spoken and has a true sense of family that comes from within.

She is caring and loving to Danielle and Joseph all the time - and a perfect role model for all the younger kids in our family.

She is incredibly well balanced - great student, member of the color guard, teaches the younger kids at Church, socially active and giving of her time.

I could not love "this baby" anymore if she was my own......

Happy Birthday Christina - I hope you have many more too come.

From her Sweet 16 last year

Disney - April 2008 with her family

Disney 2008 - with her sisters


Colleen Gebhardt said...

How could you not tell me her 'news'? Come on Reeves....