Monday, December 20, 2010


We took the kids to see Scrooge at the Children's Theater on Friday night. The show was wonderful...great acting and the man who played Scrooge was outstanding!!!

The part I loved the most was when we left and I asked the kids if they like the play - and they said they did. Little Joe took it one step further and said "Mom, I learned that life is not about how much money you is about how you treat people!!!" I was so glad to hear him say that.

Our kids are very blessed, as are Joe and I, and I am very proud that both of them absolutely realize that. For Danielle reality is hitting very close to home - she has friends who are very dear to her who's families are experiencing very hard times. She has empathy for them and a solid appreciation for the things that she has/does (like dance) that are out of reach for these other kids right now.

As much as I would love to spare them of these realities...I also think being exposed to the economy today and how it has affected people has really helped them learn very important life lessons.