Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just Because

We heard an awesome sermon at Church this morning!!!

Pastor Steven gave us 4 points to really think about:

Just because I can, doesn't mean I should

Just because you can't, doesn't mean that I can't

Just because I can't, doesn't mean that you can't

Just because you can, doesn't mean I can

I have been thinking about these 4 sentences all day. They mean so, so many different things for me. I can find a real life situation for each one. I feel like I have imposed some of the things I can, on friends and family who can't. And I feel like friends and family who can't, have judged me when I could.

I could put countless examples here - but I am choosing not too so that I don't offend anyone. That is not what I would want. For those I feel really deserve an apology from me, I will send a personal note.

Think about those 4 sentences and translate them into your lives....