Thursday, August 20, 2009

20 Years Ago Today....

20 years ago today Steve & Regina were married.

For those of us that love them, it seems like it was just yesterday. I have been a part of the Marsicano Family since I was 18 years old. Regina was already "in the family" and made me feel welcomed right from the start.

I can remember when she asked me to be a bridesmaid like it was yesterday. We were in the kitchen in the BayShore house and Joe's mom said where will the people who are with the bridal party sit??? And Regina said "Well who would say they (Me and Jimmie) are not going to be in the bridal party?" So right then and there she set the precedence for the family - the six of us, Steve & Regina, Jimmie & Maria and Me and Joe would be together always - and she was right we still are and we are all still close.

Back to my BEAUTIFUL sister-in-law. The morning of the wedding I was a nervous wreck, I am not sure why, other than it was my first time around as a bridesmaid. I called Regina to see how she was doing and when her mom answered a phone she said "Oh, Regina is still sleeping..." WHAT, sleeping, talk about being a calm, cool and collected Bride.

We all met at Regina's house to have our hair and make-up done. We got dressed, took some pictures and then the limo arrived to pick us up.

We arrived at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in plenty of time... The ceremony was beautiful and both Steve and Regina were beaming with happiness.

August 20th is also Regina's Birthday, so after the ceremony as we all got back into the limo's to head to the reception Steve gave Regina a beautiful necklace for her birthday because he didn't want her to think her birthday would be forgotten in all of the wedding festivities.

The reception was at The Huntington Towne House and it was so, so much fun!!! The room was filled with family and friends that loved Steve and Regina. Here is how you know you had a really good reception - afterwards my dad said to me "That could be the best wedding I have ever been too" My parents had been to many, many wedding receptions at that point!!!

They honeymooned at their favorite place - Disney World. It worked out that Joe and I were in Disney World with my Uncle on the tail end of their honeymoon and we met up with them for a day. We have been traveleing to Disney together for the past 20 years!!!

Here are a few shots from the wedding!!! Look at the cake!!!

I do wish I knew how to make them appear bigger - but I am not an expert at scanning old photos yet.

Their wedding song was "I believe in you and me" and 20 years later they certainly still believe in each other, their marriage and their family.

Here are some more recent shots of them - notice Regina still looks the same!!!

They still 20 years later will randomly hug like this regarless of what is going on around them.

Her 40th Birthday - she teared up several times - hence the sort of puffy eyes. :)

They have 3 beautiful daughters - Christina (17), Kayla (15) and Brianna (9). They both love nothing more than being "The 5 of them" - all of their girls have a great sense of family and truly enjoy time with their parents and extended family.

Here are some shots of the 5 of them

Family vacation in Florida

Christina's Sweet 16

Steve & Regina - I wish you many, many more years of happiness!!! I love both of you and the girls with all of my heart!!!