Saturday, July 18, 2009

We are blessed to have them....

In following with my previous post, I have another vacation story to share.....

While sitting at the pool one day I was "people watching" and I saw 2 women about my moms age (66) and they had 2 young girls with them who were about Danielle's age (9). Immediately I thought of my mom and her friend who take their grandkids to Myrtle Beach together annually for some summer fun.

One of the little girls was more quiet than the other but eventually all of the kids were playing together. I loved seeing Danielle and Joseph having so much fun with these two girls and the other three kids that had joined in to play with them.

At one point the two ladies and I were all near the vending machine that was at the pool. So I asked them if their girls were cousins? They both said no, well yeah may as well be.... And here is how it went from there:

"The two of us have been friends for years, many years since we taught together."

"Oh, my mom is a preschool teacher - and she loves working with kids."

"Really, we are in SC where is your mom from?"

"We live in Charlotte and she decided she wanted to back to work so she is at a Church preschool."

"We met these two girls through our jobs and we both adopted. We have really been raising kids our whole lives, my oldest is 40!!!"

Then they went on to tell me a little background on their families and how they have each (seperately) raised grandkids, friends kids, and kids who just needed LOVE. They each told me how long the girls I had met had been with them etc.... One was from birth and the other was from a preschool age.

As we were walking back to our lounge chairs I said to them "your girls are very blessed to have you."

One of the ladies stopped, looked at me and said "We are very blessed to have them..."

That made me think the girls were even more blessed. They have moms who cherish them and realize what a blessing it is to have a child.

Didn't I meet some AWESOME people on this trip???


Colleen Gebhardt said...

Are you saying the MOM's were the 66 year old ladies? AMAZING!!

Marie Marsicano said...

YES - Isn't that great. And they love what they do!!! Amazing women, truly called to raise children.