Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Best Grandmother in the World

This is my grandmother, Concetta Casertano, AKA Nanny Connie. She was absolutely the worlds best grandmother. She had 6 grandchildren and she treated each of us equally and like GOLD. She did not have a lot of money - but she had riches worth of love to give us. She had 8 great-grandchildren, that is my son Joseph you see her with. And again - she loved them like they were each the only one she had.

Sadly we lost her just a little over 2 years ago - and although she lived 90+ years and I saw her daily as I was blessed enough to have her live with us - I am still sad over my loss.

Today is an exceptionally hard day - usually when I think of her I can smile and laugh - today I miss her too much to smile. How did this come on today you might ask - I will tell you - my mother took out Nanny Connie's pin cushion from my Nanny Connie Memory Box - she was sewing something and needed a needle. It was sitting on the counter of my kitchen and at first I saw it and smiled. Today driving to work I thought of the pin cushion and all it represents - my grandmother was a seamstress, not until her death did I need to pay for alterations. She made us dresses when we were little. She made all of her great grandchildren knit sweaters with matching hats when they were born. She made me, my sister and my brother knit blankets that we still cherish - we were adults when she made them - my sister Colleen's is probably full/queen size and each square is a different color all sewn together with Nanny's love.

The 2 pictures are from the last vacation she took with us. We were at Myrtle Beach in June 2006 - she passed in July 2006 - leaving behind many broken hearts but even more glorious memories and life lessons.

I may feel sad today - but I do know that I am a rare person who was blessed to have her grandmother for 37 1/2 years and whose children got to live with their great grandmother who was in perfect health until the Lord called her home. We had 4 generations under our roof for just about 4 years - the house sometimes feels a little empty without her - but her love still fills the rooms.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

I see is yellow. The pin cushion. I remeber making smiley faces on it, and she would laugh when she picked it up and saw a smiley face made out of pins. My heart sank when I opened your blog before I even read it.