Monday, December 20, 2010


We took the kids to see Scrooge at the Children's Theater on Friday night. The show was wonderful...great acting and the man who played Scrooge was outstanding!!!

The part I loved the most was when we left and I asked the kids if they like the play - and they said they did. Little Joe took it one step further and said "Mom, I learned that life is not about how much money you is about how you treat people!!!" I was so glad to hear him say that.

Our kids are very blessed, as are Joe and I, and I am very proud that both of them absolutely realize that. For Danielle reality is hitting very close to home - she has friends who are very dear to her who's families are experiencing very hard times. She has empathy for them and a solid appreciation for the things that she has/does (like dance) that are out of reach for these other kids right now.

As much as I would love to spare them of these realities...I also think being exposed to the economy today and how it has affected people has really helped them learn very important life lessons.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Decorations

Our house is fully decorated for Christmas now...I love this time of year, especially when all the decorating is done and we can sit back and soak it all in. My mom was always great at decorating for the holiday's and we all have so many fond memories or Christmas at our house.

I thought I would share some of my favorite decorations with you as well as why I love them so much....

This is our Captain Hook Nutcracker...we are Disney people, we have one room that is full of Disney Christmas decorations...Steve & Regina (Joe's brother and wife) bought this for us years ago...they are Disney people as well, we have shared many trips to Disney together. The thought and symbolism behind the gift is what makes it so special.
Disney Christmas brother bought this for me and Joe the first Christmas we were married. 16 Christmases later every time I take it out I remember our first Christmas

Disney ladder - all of the characters move and ring bells. My brother bought this for us for our 2nd Christmas once he realized we would have a Disney themed Christmas area in our house. He loves that we still use it - and all of the kids in our lives love it as well.

These candy dishes were made by my grandmother. They were in her house for as long as I can I put them on my dining room table every year and each time I see them they make me smile because I think of her.

This Norman Rockwell plate hung in our house every year since I was a kid - for me it is a symbol of my childhood and all of the amazing Christmas Eve's we had in our house.

This stocking was made by my Aunt Angie (my great Aunt actually - my grandmother's younger sister) she was an amazing lady with so much love in her heart. I feel honored that I have this to hang in my house every year.

This little stocking was something my father bought as a joke one year. It is a great reflection of his joking personality!!!

Santa is over 20 years dad gave it to my mother all of those years ago. Each year when she looks at it her face lights up as she says how old it is. Even more so when someone who has never seen it comes over...she loves to tell them how long she has had it and that my dad bought it for us. For me it symbolizes the love they shared...and how something so simple and small can be so meaningful.

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3, 1975

35 years ago a beautiful person named Kim Rebello-Williams was born.

Kim and I met before my Danielle and her Cherokee were even born - it was just Cheyenne. Now between us there are 6 kids!!! We both worked a second job at Hops in Matthews and that is where we met. My biggest blessing from that job was meeting Kim.

I have told Kim many times how I continually strive to be like her. Kim is absolutely the biggest example of a Godly wife, mother, daughter and friend that you will ever, ever find. There are so many examples I could give - I wouldn't even know where to begin. Let me just speak in some general ways. Kim always puts her family first, always. And while doing that she never complains or says "when do I get me time." I have seen people treat Kim or her children or husband poorly and she never is bitter or vengeful. She just chooses to pray for those people. I have seen Kim be completely down and out yet give her last to someone else with true joy in her heart and without worry about what will happen, because that is the kind of faith she has. She praises God for all she has and pays it forward 2 or 3 times over in so many ways.

The biggest compliment I can give Kim is that I know with 100% certainty if I called her right now and said "I need you and I need you now" she would do whatever it takes to be there. And again with joy and no complaints.

Kim - I am truly blessed to call you my friend, I continue to admire you and work towards being like you in all of these areas. May God continue to bless you!

Your true beauty is your heart...although this is a great picture of you!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things you may not know about me

I pride myself on trying to always have a good outlook on life. Most of the time I succeed - some days, like today, I have a hard time. Even when I am having a hard time I tell myself "this is the devil trying to have his way with you...Don't let him win" - so to an outsider it may seem like all is always well. Those very close to me have been there for me and seen me through bad days, they are so very supportive and I am very blessed to have these people in my life.

Here are some things you may not know about me - or things I struggle with:

My feelings do get hurt...mostly because I really try to not intentionally hurt others feelings.

I worry about/for other people...because I love them and I want the best for them.

If I am capable of helping someone in any way I will...but I do wonder who would/could help me if I needed it.

I really can't do it all...but I will always knock myself out trying and put "me" at the bottom of the list.

I never do anything for anyone with the expectation of "getting back"...but it is nice when people express appreciation - instead of expectation.

I am sensitive...even if I seem direct or strong.

I hope by writing these things down tonight that tomorrow will be a better day...I never like feeling like this.