Saturday, June 19, 2010

They have danced their way into my heart

This year Danielle's Dance Teacher opened her own studio...The Dance Company. Her entire group she has been dancing with for years came to the new studio as well as many other very special girls. This group of dancers amaze with with their great hearts, concern for each other and their dedication. They love being together and not one of them thinks they are better than any of the other dancers. And on top of that they are all great students and involved in things outside of dance. I challenge you to find a group of better ballanced, loving girls. And their families are outstanding as well. Here are a few of the girls I am now blessed to know:


Naijha - Marina Gasolina

Single Ladies - Jordynn, Kenya, Kennedy, Sunny

Loren - I have never seen her without a smile on her beautiful face

All of the students hugging Gram...Miss Charyl's mom

The moms of these lovely young ladies with me and Colleen