Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dance Recital

For a few months now I have been taking the moms class at The Dance Company. (Danielle's dance school) At first I was there for fun and laughs with other moms, whos daughters spend lots of time with Danielle. After my niece Bella was born I was able to convince my sister Colleen that she should join us...it would be great fun. A dance class happened to be on her bucket list so she did join. We had great fun and it was a great learning experience.

I had always admired my daughter for being able to put herself out there on stage like that - and this year she tapped her first solo. Imagine that - solo, all by her 10 year old self, working the full stage, while tapping constantly. I had a new found respect for her after my very first class - I struggled just doing a dance step across the floor in the studio. A few times I thought about quitting - feeling like I would just never get it. My friend Jane told me "Marie, we need to set good examples for our girls, we can't quit." So I stuck with it and I am so glad I did!!! I may never dance at Danielle's level, (she gets her talent from her dad) but I am more comfortable and Colleen and I are already considering joining the moms class next year.

If you ever have the opportunity to do something with your kids like this, I strongly encourage you to take it - Danielle and I and Colleen and Amber had many great times on Thursday nights as they watched us try and learn.

Looking forward to the next dance class!!!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to do it again. I'm still doing it in my head. "point to your Mommy".....good times.