Sunday, June 20, 2010

The kind of father....

Joe lost his dad when he was just 5 years old...his mom focused on raising her children and didn't date until Joe was 16 (he was the baby) and when Joe was 18 his mom met Nat, who would become his step-dad.

Growing up without a dad in the house has a different effect on different people. Joe was a very good kid who never really gave his mom a hard time. He had positive male role models in his life - but I think we would all agree that young boys without a dad in their life could really go down the wrong path. His life experience also molded him into the dad that he is today.

Joe is the kind of father:

That took over mopping all the floors in our house when I first became pregnant with Danielle

That got up at night for feedings and changed diapers - even while there were others around to do it

That asks me for updated pictures of the kids for his desk at work

That was so proud each time one of the kids hit a big milestone

That worked for years to secure a job in the Verizon Offices so he could get out of the stores and work hours more suitable for our family

That never uses the expression "baby-sitting" if he is taking care of the kids (Major pet peeve of mine when men or even their wives say that and Joe actually feels the same way)

That has coached both our daughter and sons sports teams

That took an adult Tae Kwon Do class while Joseph was taking class so they would have a common interest

That before he took the Tae Kwon Do class sat 2-3 times a week watching Joseph take class as he worked for 2 years to become a black belt

That helped paint Danielle's dance studio before it opened this year - and continues to help at the studio in any way he can

That works unbelievably hard on his kids rooms when they decide on a theme/decor (they both hit him up for that this year instead of a birthday party)

That is very giving of his time - if they are waiting by the door when he gets home from work to play in the yard...he is usually ready to play right away

That is truly making the most of every moment he has with his kids because it is the opportunity he wishes he had with his dad

To sum it up...Joe is the kind of father that any kid would be blessed to have.


Jim, Heather, Jordan and Madison said...

Fantastic tribute to your husband. He sounds like one of a kind.