Last week was something else!!! We had dance practice, recital run through, dance pictures, dress rehearsal and recital!!! I knew going into the week it was going to be very, very hectic. I did not want to become frazzled or end up ruining Danielle having a positive experience. When you have been at this as long as we have (9 years) you come to learn that things run late, changes need to be made to acccomodate the "group" and you need to be very flexible.
I am sad to say not all kids went into the week with their parents having this mind frame. It really made me upset for the kids - but very grateful that I have a good understanding of what to expect. If you have your kids in organized activities do so with your heart and your patience...don't spend your money to only ruin what should be such a positive experience.
I am not saying I am perfect at this...but I am very aware and try to do my best - as really it is out of mine and Danielle's control - AND - her teacher/studio owner has got to be the most organized and best at comunication that we have ever had so there really are not that many bumps in the road.
Look at these happy could you not just sit back and enjoy!!!
Danielle, Kelsea, Moriah and Naijha on picture day
Solo Tap Costume
Hip Hop Girl - Flight of the Bumblebee
Amber - Jazzin it up to Rockstar
Danielle and Amber - Cousins sharing great experiences