Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mrs. Marsicano

Fifteen years ago today, I became, Mrs. Joseph Marsicano. It truly feels like just yesterday.

Joe and I met when we were 18 and got married when we were 25. We both lived at home until the day we got married so living away from family for the first time (we both commuted to College) was something we experienced together. The first year of our marriage was awesome - lots of people told us it would be the hardest - not for us. It still remains one of the best years of our time together.

After we were married for 4 years we decided to move to Charlotte. Cost of living was better, work/family balance was easier to achieve and we knew we wanted to start a family. After living here for about 15 months we built/purchased our first home and one month later found out I was pregnant with Danielle. 1999 was a good year!!!

We live in that same house now with Danielle, Joseph and my mom. For me our home really represents us. We love it to be filled with friends and family. I have as many pictures on display as possible - all of great times we have had. Disney items in each room (if you know us you know how much we love all things Disney). As I sit in each room I see all of the hard work that Joe has put into the house for all of our benefit. But MOST importantly we spend quality time with those we love in our home.

I would be lying if I said all 15 years were wonderful and we never fight.... But I can honestly say nothing really "comes between us." Sure we have had our ups and downs (who hasn't) but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade the past 15 years for anything in this world. I can also say that I love Joe more now than the day I married him.

We have overcome many challenges in our time together. Death, Illness, Surgeries, Financial Issues and others - we have done it together and it has only made us stronger.

I recently said to Joe - "I want you to know that one of the things I love the most about you is that I know with 100% certainty I can count on you when the chips are down." His response was "Remember, there is no I in Team and we have been a good team for a long time." I am certain he had no idea how much that meant to me especially at the moment he said it.

Our wedding was everything I had hoped for. We were surrounded by friends and family that loved us, the ceremony was beautiful, and everyone had a great time. I really wouldn't change one thing - well except that both of our Dads would have been there. Our wedding day had to be the hottest ever on record, but I was bound and determine to have outdoor pictures!!! Here are the 24 I was able to narrow the over 300 down too.

Me & My Mom

Me & Colleen - my kids love laughing at her BIG Glasses

My girls - they are all still a huge part of our lives

Joe and Steve (his brother & best man)

Our first picture as Mr. & Mrs. Marsicano

Big Bridal Party

My dads friend gave us this bottle of Dom Perigon when we got engaged - we save it for 2 years

So Handsome

Joe and Steve again - both looking much calmer

Our guys - all still a big part of our lives too

Joe and his mom

Our beautiful niece who just started her senior year in High School

This shot has been in a frame on my desk at work for 15 years

Colleen loves this one...

End of the night - the best is yet to come
Hanging loose in Hawaii on our honeymoon

Dinner Cruise in Honolulu

The resort in Maui

The beautiful beach in Maui
Joe - I love you with all of my heart. I could not have picked a better person to go through life with. Looking forward to many more years and many more memories.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

20 Years Ago Today....

20 years ago today Steve & Regina were married.

For those of us that love them, it seems like it was just yesterday. I have been a part of the Marsicano Family since I was 18 years old. Regina was already "in the family" and made me feel welcomed right from the start.

I can remember when she asked me to be a bridesmaid like it was yesterday. We were in the kitchen in the BayShore house and Joe's mom said where will the people who are with the bridal party sit??? And Regina said "Well who would say they (Me and Jimmie) are not going to be in the bridal party?" So right then and there she set the precedence for the family - the six of us, Steve & Regina, Jimmie & Maria and Me and Joe would be together always - and she was right we still are and we are all still close.

Back to my BEAUTIFUL sister-in-law. The morning of the wedding I was a nervous wreck, I am not sure why, other than it was my first time around as a bridesmaid. I called Regina to see how she was doing and when her mom answered a phone she said "Oh, Regina is still sleeping..." WHAT, sleeping, talk about being a calm, cool and collected Bride.

We all met at Regina's house to have our hair and make-up done. We got dressed, took some pictures and then the limo arrived to pick us up.

We arrived at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in plenty of time... The ceremony was beautiful and both Steve and Regina were beaming with happiness.

August 20th is also Regina's Birthday, so after the ceremony as we all got back into the limo's to head to the reception Steve gave Regina a beautiful necklace for her birthday because he didn't want her to think her birthday would be forgotten in all of the wedding festivities.

The reception was at The Huntington Towne House and it was so, so much fun!!! The room was filled with family and friends that loved Steve and Regina. Here is how you know you had a really good reception - afterwards my dad said to me "That could be the best wedding I have ever been too" My parents had been to many, many wedding receptions at that point!!!

They honeymooned at their favorite place - Disney World. It worked out that Joe and I were in Disney World with my Uncle on the tail end of their honeymoon and we met up with them for a day. We have been traveleing to Disney together for the past 20 years!!!

Here are a few shots from the wedding!!! Look at the cake!!!

I do wish I knew how to make them appear bigger - but I am not an expert at scanning old photos yet.

Their wedding song was "I believe in you and me" and 20 years later they certainly still believe in each other, their marriage and their family.

Here are some more recent shots of them - notice Regina still looks the same!!!

They still 20 years later will randomly hug like this regarless of what is going on around them.

Her 40th Birthday - she teared up several times - hence the sort of puffy eyes. :)

They have 3 beautiful daughters - Christina (17), Kayla (15) and Brianna (9). They both love nothing more than being "The 5 of them" - all of their girls have a great sense of family and truly enjoy time with their parents and extended family.

Here are some shots of the 5 of them

Family vacation in Florida

Christina's Sweet 16

Steve & Regina - I wish you many, many more years of happiness!!! I love both of you and the girls with all of my heart!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fun Day

Yesterday I took a vacation day from work and headed to the splash pad in Kannapolis, NC with my kids, the 2 kids that are staying with us, my two nieces, my nephew,the two Nana's (more on them later), my sister Colleen and my friend Johanette and her 2 kids. What a great way to have a fun and INEXPENSIVE day. It is $1 to get in and your time there is unlimited. We packed coolers with sandwiches, drinks and snacks and set out to have a great day - and we did.

We followed that up with dinner (Hot Dogs & Hamburgers, Beans & Mac-n-Cheese) at our house afterwards - well except for Joh and her kids - today is their first day of school!!! (again a whole other post...)

Here are some snapshots of our day...

Nick & Joseph

Amber, Chloe, Maddy, Alexa, Brianna and Danielle

Bucket of water pouring down on them

Mom - I'm a little hungry.....

Front - Amber, Brianna, Maddy & Danielle
Back - Chloe & Alexa

Little Joe and Little Alex (not baby anymore...)

I felt the same way but I was the driver!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

This is why.....

Our daughter Danielle is at the point now where she is trying to "resist" us having her sit in a booster seat. She is nine years old but she is petite. She is about 66lbs and 52 inches tall (4ft 4inches).

We have this discussion each year when we go for her annual physical. "Can we ask Dr. Freeman if I am big enough to come out of the booster" "Sure we can, but if he says you need to stay in it then you will have too..."

I do realize that she is about to turn 10 in October - and I do sympathize with her that most of her cousins and friends are not in a booster seat anymore. However, I also realize that as a parent we have one shot to get it right and it is our responsibility to do what is best for our children - whether they like or understand it.

We had an extended conversation last night so I did some research. While it is not a NC State Law that she be in the booster seat - the National Highway Safety Organizations says:

Laws aside, kids aren't ready to make the switch from a booster seat to seat belts until they're at least 4 feet 9 inches tall and can pass the five-step test below — typically between ages 8 and 10.

Why the wait? Because a booster seat protects a child better than seat belts alone, and, in the event of a collision, an ill-fitting adult seat belt can actually cause injury instead of preventing it. If the lap belt rests on your child's tummy (which it's likely to do without a booster), for instance, he could suffer stomach, liver, or spleen damage. And if the shoulder belt rests against his neck rather than his chest, he may try to move it under his arm (where it could crack his ribs and damage internal organs) or behind his back (where it offers no protection at all against head, neck, or spinal injuries).

To judge whether your child is ready to ride with a seat belt alone, test the fit of your vehicle's belts from time to time. Buckle your child into the back seat without a booster seat, and consider the following:
• Does he sit all the way back against the car's seat?
• Do his knees bend comfortably at the edge of the seat?
• Does the lap belt naturally rest below his belly, touching the top of his thighs?
• Is the shoulder belt centered across his shoulder and chest?
• Can he stay seated like this for the whole trip?

If you answer no to any of these questions, your child still needs to use a booster seat (some are designed for kids weighing up to 100 pounds).

So for now we will continue to hold our ground because while we don't want to intentionally embarrass our daughter, we would never be able to live with ourselves if our carelessness resulted in a tragedy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Familiar Scent = Great Memories

I had an appointment today for my first ever mammogram. The nice lady who was checking me had on a perfume that was so familiar to me. I asked her what it was and she said Design. I knew it - my friend Suzanne and I wore it way back when... I told the lady that and let her know she brought back some great memories as I sat and thought about those days.

Ironically enough, Sue's mom, Marlene, passed away after a very brave (and many years) battle with breast cancer.

As I sit here now I believe Marlene wanted to let me know she was there with me and that I had nothing to worry about...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just Because

We heard an awesome sermon at Church this morning!!!

Pastor Steven gave us 4 points to really think about:

Just because I can, doesn't mean I should

Just because you can't, doesn't mean that I can't

Just because I can't, doesn't mean that you can't

Just because you can, doesn't mean I can

I have been thinking about these 4 sentences all day. They mean so, so many different things for me. I can find a real life situation for each one. I feel like I have imposed some of the things I can, on friends and family who can't. And I feel like friends and family who can't, have judged me when I could.

I could put countless examples here - but I am choosing not too so that I don't offend anyone. That is not what I would want. For those I feel really deserve an apology from me, I will send a personal note.

Think about those 4 sentences and translate them into your lives....