Monday, February 21, 2011

Let the little children come to me...

Mark 10:14 says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Joe and I have been blessed for years to be surrounded by children who we love. As you know we have 2 of our own, Danielle (11) and Joseph (8), and then we have many others in our life who we love with all of our hearts.

All of these children have brought us happiness, sadness (when they were hurting) and even tears (both of joy and pain) but our lives are so much richer for it. When Joe and I reflect on some of our favorite memories of our times together (24 years of dating and marriage now) 90% of them include these children. We surrounded ourselves with babies, toddlers and small children long before we had kids of our was something we loved to do - and we still do.

Now we have teenagers, pre-teens, young kids, toddlers and babies to spend time with...nothing puts a smile on my face quicker than our yard being full of kids all playing together and having a good time.

God has been very good to us by continually letting the little children come to us.

Here is our newest addition...just a month shy of her first birthday.