Saturday, July 3, 2010

Her own little pool

Last weekend we were watching Colleen's kids and also Joe's Brother's dogs and house - that has a beautiful yard with a built in pool. Obviously after 18 days of almost 100 degrees it was really our pleasure to help with the dogs and house!!!

When Bella came we realized that we did not have a "swim diaper" or the plastic cover we could have put over her regular diaper. So since Joe and I are always on the more cautious side we decided to give Bella her own little pool so that if there was an accident we would not have to tell Aunt Regina that the pool had to be drained!!!

Here is her personal pool:

The lovely Danielle and Alexa are serving as her personal assistants and life guards.

Isn't her swim suit beautiful!!!
She had a great time and is really a very easy baby to take care of - we loved having her.