Monday, July 5, 2010

Dare Devil

If you follow my sister's blog, you know that her son Alex is a bit of a dare devil...I mean at 4 years old he can already drive a go-cart...and he drives it well. He is not afraid of anything and if the grown-ups around him will let him try something...he is in. And if they tell him "no" he will fully present his case. (I think I see a future lawyer in him)

He came with Bella last Saturday and again - Joe and I are very cautious, especially with other people's children so we had him in his life jacket and in the shallow end of the pool. Once I was in the pool for a while playing with the kids I decided to let him swim without the jacket - you thought he won the lottery!!! Then I really became fun Re-Re and let him jump in with the big kids and try to surf the raft while jumping...we had a GREAT time!!! He is such a fun little boy to be around. I even took video with my phone...some day I will learn how to get it on more than my phone.

Jumping from the side and knee boarding

Yes he is going to fall backwards onto the float - "because Joseph did it..."

His personal "Cars" surf board float


Colleen Gebhardt said...

That's my brave boy!!!!