Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Am Thankful

For my husband who has not one chauvinistic bone in his body. We are truly a team in all aspects of our lives.

For my husband who is willing to work so hard around our house - he is an amazing painter, carpenter, landscaper, you name it.

For my husband who gives his free time to our children willingly and without complaints or regrets.

I have mother who runs all over Charlotte for her kids and grandkids and does so effortlessly and tirelessly.

For the pure hearts that Danielle and Joseph have. They love God and are living life in a way He would want them to.

For every minute I have with Joe, Danielle and Joseph.

For every in-law that I have. They are MY family and I love them dearly. 22 years later I can not imagine my life without them in it.

That Colleen and Robert will be blessed with a healthy little girl in March 2010 after the scare we all had early on in the pregnancy.

That a year ago I reached out to a dear friend and made peace when it needed to be made. So glad to have that family back in my life.

That at 40 I realize so, so much of the small stuff is just that - small stuff. People are what is important.

For an amazing circle of friends that are always, always there when I/we need them.

That I am seeing my family and extended family move closer to God on a daily basis.

For all of the very small things I may take for granted when life gets hectic.

That just about all of the traditions we had as kids are still with us and important to all of us.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Colleen Gebhardt said...

you forgot thankful that you get to listen to your nephew talk for hours every Tuesday. wink..wink..