Thursday, November 19, 2009

Everyone Loves A Pirate

Our family could be considered HUGE Disney of course Captain Jack Sparrow is loved in our house. If I told you how long it took for me to sit down and watch the first Pirates of the Caribbean Movie you would say "really?" - I mean honestly it never appealed to me. BUT after the first one, I was hooked and immediately watched the second and went out to get the third. Today I heard there will be a 4th Pirates movie!!!

I am also very lucky to have my own personal pirate who I get to see whenever Captain Jack is not on screen....he really is cuter too.

The Original Captain Jack

His adorable competition - Captain Alex

Trying to be a mean pirate

Capturing Re-Re

He really is cuter, isn't he???


Colleen Gebhardt said...

He contest. Cutest pirate ever. That pirate was in my face at 1:30am with his stinky breath telling me how much he loves me. Too cute.