Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am all for the environment - BUT!!!!!

So driving into work today I hear on the radio that there are lots and lots of people using "old skool" push lawn mowers and now even electric mowers that either plug in or can use a battery.

Don't get me wrong - I am all about everyone doing their share for the environment - HOWEVER if you have ever seen my lawn you would see that while I might be saving the environment I would be taking a big chance of running up my medical bills!!! And I can speak on this because I do share the lawn responsibility with my husband. So if you see me out there with my self propelled mower - forgive me - and remember I do recycle, conserve water etc.......


Mike G said...

LOL, If I had your back yard, I'd own 2 MOUNTAIN Goats to eat the grass from the middle to the top and, 2 cows to help eat the grass at the lower end of your mountain of a yard.
You want the cows at the bottom so you don't have to walk that far to milk the cows. Milking the cows will help off set the price of milk so you could afford the gas to put in the mower!! LOL

Colleen Gebhardt said...

your doing better than lots of people! P.S. I couldn't mow a lawn if my life depended on it!