Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21, 1999

10 years ago today Joe and I were blessed with our first child. Danielle Nicole. It is so hard for me to believe that she is 10 - I mean that is double digits!!! She has brought us so much joy over these 10 years. I have choked up several times already today as I was getting pictures ready to post here. Rather than start to ramble on about my little girl I decided to post 10 things I love about her:

1. Her pure heart - she sees good in everyone and is non-judgmental.

2. Her big eyes - she smiles with them and she doesn't even realize it.

3. Her ability to laugh at herself. She knows life is not meant to be serious all the time.

4. Her nurturing ways - all of the younger kids in our family go directly to Danielle because they know she will stop what she is doing and help them.

5. Her sense of family - from the oldest generation to the youngest generation, she loves being with family.

6. Her selfless ways - she will help her peers anytime she can and she is never boastful about it.

7. Her sense of style - she will certainly never leave the house and embarass us by what she is wearing.

8. Her beauty that comes from the inside - this goes back to her pure heart, she really doesn't have a mean bone in her body.

9. Her determination - she never gives up, she will try and try until she can do what she is trying to do.

10. Her laugh - listening to her and Joseph cracking up always reminds me how truly blessed I am.

Birth Announcement

Birth Announcement Picture - yes she is only 4 days old in this shot!!!

Her first Halloween. Our Pea in a Pod - with her friend Chase, the duck.

First Professional Picture and First Christmas

Christening Gown

Daddy's Little Cheerleader

Apparently Colleen and Amber thought she was a toy....

Do you see the theme here....

One Year Old

First Pre School Picture - 2 years old

Very first dance recital - Broadway Baby - There have been 8 more since...

Dressing up for New Year's Eve

3rd Birthday - our Belle

Gardening with Nana

My fashionista

You see what I mean

First Day of Kindergarten with Brianna

Father/Daughter Dance

First Communion


First Hip Hop Performance

First Dance Competition

Getting so grown up

Recital 2009

First Day of School August 2009 - 4th Grade
Danielle - I love you over the moon, around the sun, under the ocean and back to my heart. Mommy


Colleen Gebhardt said...

I want to shrink her back down so I can see her grow again! I love my baby Danielle!

Lisa said...

She's beautiful!