Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nothing to wear...really???

Last night I spent at least 2 hours in my closet - yes 2 HOURS. Doing what, you ask? I was moving clothes from my closet to the closet in the bonus room in preparation for the change in season, and therefore a change in wardrobe. As I was walking up and down the hall carrying things back and forth I realized I have enough clothes to wear (with the exception of long sleeve tees) yet each morning I stand in the closet while I am getting ready for work and think to myself - "I have nothing to wear."

Does this happen to you? Is it that I am tired of what I have, wish things fit differently, hold onto things in the hopes of they will look better when..., do I wish for more comfortable things instead of my work clothes? I really don't know the answer - but I can tell you this - whatever I didn't wear over the summer will be donated. It is wasteful to keep these things and never use them when there are so many people who REALLY NEED them. I encourage you to do the same as you go through your closet.


Colleen Gebhardt said...

I keep so much crap that I never wear. I keep stuff that will sadly never fit again. I keep an over abundance of t-shirts. But there's always something I don't have, or I NEED. I guess...not really. right?