Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How do you spell team???

Every year Danielle's dance teacher presents each girl in her class with an award. The awards vary from "most improved", "out of my shell", "dancing diva" and so on. The award you see above was the one Danielle got this year, "The no I in Team" award.

For me, this is the best one she has received. I really want my kids to grow up understanding that no matter how good they are at something, it is not about THEM, it is about the TEAM. And to hear her teacher say that Danielle is willing to help and work with other girls and do whatever is asked of her to help the team tells me her heart is in the right place.

To expand on that - we all see superstars who get paid millions to do something they love and excel at. But I wonder, are they happy or at what expense do they become the superstar, franchise player, the team would be lost without me person... Let's use Barry Bonds as an example - great home run hitter with pretty much no friends in the clubhouse. When the only person coming to congratulate you is the bat boy - you need to reevaluate and think if I was a better teammate would my joy today have been multiplied???

Please don't get me wrong, I too have sports figures I love to watch and I think are awesome - but my husband and my male friends will tell you - if they don't have good character I don't care how good they are, they just don't impress me.

Teach your kids to be team players, they will be better for it and hopefully more loved and respected than those who some how spell team with an "I" in it.


kristy said...

What I love about these awards is that it really shows how much their teacher knows them and how much she cares. Any teacher can give out a yearly award, but their dance teacher goes that extra mile to make them feel special.

Colleen Gebhardt said...

your kids were given good, caring, compassionate hearts and that was evident since they were very small. :0)