Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21, 1999

Here she is, my beautiful little girl. Nine years ago today her father and I welcomed her into the world with open arms and hearts filled with love. I remember each detail like it was just yesterday. I could not wait to hold her for the first time.

The circumstances of her delivery led to me being completely put out and having a c-section so I didn't get to hold her right away. I remember the nurse waking me up and telling me I had a girl - we didn't know what the sex of the baby was. For some reason we felt like it was going to be a boy, so in my dazed and confused state of waking up from the anestesia I called the nurse back over and said - "excuse me, did you say I had a girl???" And she said yes. I was hurrying them along to get me to her at this point but she was in the NICU so there were lots of procedures to follow - I remember thinking alright already but I am a first time mother, PLEASE let me see my baby. They brought me a polaroid of her on the scale!!! She was 8 lbs 15 ozs and 21 inches long.

I have a picture of when I finally got to hold her for the first time, I was still "green" from the surgery, swollen and basically just busted. I was in labor for over 30 hour before the surgery and still hadn't showered. HOWEVER, to me it is the most beautiful photograph ever taken. I tear up everytime I look at it.

Danielle was a perfect baby. People used to tell Joe and I all the time how easy we had it with her and how lucky we were. We knew it, but it was funny to hear it. She always had a pleasant disposition, ate & slept well and was just a joy to be around.

Fast forward 9 years - she is still an AWESOME kid. She is a good student, loving big sister, loyal friend and her true beauty is in her heart. She treats everyone equally and never, ever speaks harshly to anyone. God has touched her at such a young age and it truly makes me proud.

Her name suits her. We named her after my father (Daniel) and he had a heart of gold as well. I am so sorry she missed out on knowing him, but she does know the significance of her name.

Danielle Nicole Marsicano - HAPPY BIRTHDAY my love - my life would never be as good as it is today if I hadn't had you.


Anonymous said...

That big fat baby turned into a little tooth pick. God made her a chubby baby so Amber didn't kill her while she was 'riding her like a horsey!'. HAppy Birthday baby Danielle. Her eyes still smile just like they did when she was my little bald chunky monkey.